9. pools.

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{edited, august 18th 2022, slight scene adjustment}

the phone rang. and stopped. and rang. and stopped. and rang until it was finally picked up.
"what?" taya groaned, rubbing her eye.
"do you happen to have money?" jonathan's voice came. taya didn't know how to respond.
"i- what?" she looked around for a clock, it read 11:45 am.
"do you have money?" he asked again, sounding it out.
"uh, yeah why?"
"me and nancy were thinking that you, me, her, barb, and steve, could go stay at that motel near the fairgrounds for the weekend. we'd all have to pitch in 45 dollars." taya's face lit up at the thought.
"wait yes oh my god." but then she realized, "wait isn't barb going out of town?"
"oh, right, her families annual trip to florida. well he can still go."
"definitely, can you and nance both pitch in enough?"
"yeah, are you going to call steve?"
"right now." she hung up the phone and quickly dialed his number. it rang.
"hello?" steve's voice sounded sleepy. taya couldn't help but get caught up in her words.
"oh um do you have 45 dollars?" he sounded just as confused as she did.
"i'm sorry?" he spoke again.
"do you have 45 dollars?"
"uh yes, any reason why?"
"are you busy the next three days?" her voice said quickly.
"so me, jonathan, and nancy were thinking about going to stay up at that motel near the fairgrounds and staying there, you'd just need to pitch in 45, if you're interested."
"yeah of course, i can pay for everything else too!" he sounded excited.
"okay, meet me at my house in 20. be packed."
"sounds good." he hung up. taya jumped out of bed and ran down the hall.
"mom, do you think i can go down to the motel with jonathan and nance for two nights?" she failed to mention steve.
"um sure, do you need money?"
"grab my wallet."
"thank you so much!" she yelled, giving her a hug. she picked up the money out of her purse and ran back to her room. she grabbed a back pack and filled it with three pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, two t-shirts, two tank tops, etc. she threw on a dark blue t-shirt and some black jean shorts. she put on socks and shoes and rushed to the bathroom. she started frantically getting ready, throwing what she needed in a bag. she shoved it all in her backpack, zipping it up. so it begins.

she walked out of her bedroom and knocked on dustin's door.
"come in." a voice sounded through the door.
"i'm going to be out of town for the next few days. just wanted to say goodbye." dustin got out of his bed and gave her a hug.
"goodbye, love you."
"love you too buddy." she smiled. she left the room, closing it behind her. she walked down to the living room when a car pulled up. she gave her mom a hug and they exchanged their goodbyes. taya walked out the door and opened the passenger side.
"good morning." she spoke, bubbly.
"good morning!" he grinned back.
"i think we're meeting at jonathan's house, i'm assuming you need directions?" steve couldn't take his eyes off of her.
"oh yeah, yeah." he put the car in reverse and pulled out. she led him to his house, making small talk along the way.
"well, how have you been?" she asked.
"how have i been?" he giggled, "um pretty, pretty good."
"that's good." she lightly laughed back.
"uh what about you?"
"pretty, pretty good." she teased.
"oh shut up." he replied. they laughed it off as they arrived at his house. jonathan and nancy were on the porch, bags in hand. taya got out of the car.
"are you guys ready?" she exclaimed, walking over.
"yup." nance replied, giving the two a soft smile.
"are we taking your car or mine?" steve queried jonathan.
"we can take mine." he replied, holding up his keys. everyone seemed to agree, as they all made their way over to the car. steve immediately got in the back on the drivers side, taya following on the passenger. nancy got in shotgun. he inserted the keys, and they were off.

"psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?" taya sang out.
"fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better run." nancy continued.
"run, run, run, run, run, run away, oh-oh-oh. ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya, ooh." everyone spoke in unison.
nancy broke out into a fit of giggles, taya following short behind on that. they'd been in the car for almost 6 hours already, they were going hysteric.
"jonathan, please stop at the next station." taya begged for the fourth time. he turned the music down, letting out a sigh.
"i already told you, no stops."
"please." she grabbed his shoulder. he rolled his eyes in the rear view mirror.
"yes!" taya and nancy both exclaimed. steve was sound asleep next to her. she began to blush, but quickly hid it, looking for the next stop. a few miles up, a 7-11 appeared.
"right there." she stated, pointing out the window. jonathan reluctantly pulled in the lot.
"are you coming in?" nancy gestured to jonathan.
"no i'm good." he replied, leaning his head on the window. her and taya jumped out of the car. they ran inside, searching down every aisle for snacks. taya spotted some sunkists gummies, which she grabbed two boxes of. nancy came back with bags of chips. she walked over to the fridge and grabbed two cokes. taya followed behind grabbing a coke and a pepsi. they made their way to the register.
"would you like a bag?" the attendant asked, before beginning to scan the items.
"uh yeah." taya spoke, reaching in her pocket for the money. they paid and left the store, putting the groceries in the trunk. jonathan sighed, before getting back on the road.
"oh come on you are no fun." taya stated.
"i just don't want to drive anymore." he groaned.
"well you don't have to." nancy said, looking out the window. the motel.

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