8. supply closet.

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{edited, august 6th 2022, title change.}

"shit, shit, shit, shit." taya exclaimed under her breath. she rapidly looked for somewhere to hide before he noticed her, but it was too late. his eyes caught hers. she speedwalked out the front door, attempting to get back to jonathan's car.
"taya! taya!" steve yelled, making his way out the front door. shit. she stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly.
"uh hey steve." she said, with a smug grin.
"taya." he spoke, out of breath. taya let out a giggle.
"what's up?" she asked.
"can we please talk?"
"uh yeah i guess." taya started walking down the street. steve falling in step at her side.
"i've been thinking a lot about what you said the other night, but it's just not true." he blabbered.
when taya didn't respond, steve took this as a sign she didn't believe him.
"taya you don't have to believe me, but i want you to know that i really like you. like really really like you. but then tommy pointed out that you skipped school, with him." taya stopped walking at these words.
"are you serious?" she questioned, staring into his eyes.
"what do you mean am i serious? you ditched school, you've never ditched school. and you did it with that fucking freak." taya scoffed at these words.
"you don't know what happened."
"you decided you were too good for me and moved on to him?" taya didn't know what to do. she stood there, mouth agape. finally she spoke up.
"fuck you steve harrington." she walked away, back to the car. that is not how she thought this was going to go. jonathan had walked outside to witness it all. he immediately went up to steve, fuming. taya thought he was going to get hurt, but steve's face fell as the two talked. he looked over to taya, with regret all over his face. jonathan turned around and made his way back to the car.

she couldn't get over what just happened. jonathan got back in the car, taya's head racing with thoughts. jonathan started making them verbal.
"so what does this mean for you guys?" he queried. she hesitated, not really knowing what to say.
"he's a douchebag!" she exclaimed, "he called you a freak and said i moved on to you. he has no right to say that, he doesn't know what happened."
"he does now." he said, leaning his head back on the headrest. taya had a look of confusion all over her face.
"what do you mean?" she asked, through gritted teeth.
"while you were shuffling your way back to the car, i told him what happened last night."
"why would you do that? it's not like he fucking cares. he's going to give me a pity apology and then go tell the entire school i'm a slut. i'm done with him."
"i think he feels bad. did he not say anything about his feelings to you?" jonathan questioned. taya went over the whole conversation in her mind again.
"well he said he really liked me." she spoke hesitantly, "but he treated me like that."
"i think he just didn't want to be played. i think you guys should talk."
"no way." taya sighed and looked out the window, trying to figure out what to do. after a few minutes in comfortable silence, jonathan inserted a cassette. immediately 'should i stay or should i go' by the clash started playing. jonathan and taya turned to each other quickly and made eye contact. as if on cue, jonathan started drumming on the steering wheel.
"darlin' you got to let me know, should i stay or should i go?" jonathan sang out, he wasn't exactly a great singer. he looked towards her, but she wasn't exactly in the mood.
"if you say that you are minee, i'll be here 'til the end of time." taya's lips began to form a smile, she grabbed her seatbelt like a guitar and started to strum it.
"so you got to let me know.....should i stay or should i go?" the sang in unison.
"it's always tease tease tease, you'll have me when i'm on me knees." she wasn't exactly the greatest singer either, but certainly better than jonathan. they finished the song, laughing.
"that'll never get old." he smiled.
"never." he pulled into her driveway, and taya hopped out, "well thank you."
"yeah of course!" he waved as she walked inside.

taya was greeted inside by her mom and dustin, watching television on the couch.
"hey, where have you been?" dustin asked, looking up from the screen.
"just out." she replied. she walked over and ruffled his hair. she gave her mom a kiss on the head.
"night mom."
"goodnight hun." she walked to her room and grabbed a pair of shorts and a big t-shirt, then she went to the bathroom and got into the shower. once she was done, she threw her hair up in a towel and put on her clothes. she went to go lay in her bed, but soon found herself asleep.

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