7. emergency room.

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{edited, august 1st 2022, a/n}

taya and jonathan sat on the floor of her room.
"and he never showed up so i went to leave but the. eddie was there and he offered to do it so we took pictures and then he fell so we came back to my house and i was cleaning the wounds but apparently he was here and saw and got mad." she ranted, jonathan struggling to keep up.
"hold on. why was steve here?"
"i don't even know, i was going to ask but i just got mad and yelled at him." she sighed.
"for a good reason." he reassured, "he was probably coming to say he-" dustin screamed. both of the teens jumped up and ran out of her room. dustin had his back turned to them. taya put her hand on his shoulder.
"dustin, what happened?" she asked, pulling him around. he was holding his am, but his arm was bent, not in a good way. it was broken. taya gasped.
"oh my god, we need to get you to the doctor." jonathan exclaimed, running back to grab his keys. taya grabbed his other shoulder and shuffled him out to jonathan's car. they all got in and he took off to the hospital.

once they got there, jonathan rushed inside, yelling about the broken arm. taya tried calling dustin as they walked in. dustin had been crying, but he acted like he hadn't the moment they stepped foot inside the building. they put dustin on the waitlist, about an hour.
"an hour!" taya exclaimed, "his arm is broken!"
"and so are two other people on the waitlist." the nurse said in an annoyed tone, "now you can go find a seat over there." the nurse pointed with her pen to the waiting area. taya sat down, jonathan and dustin doing the same on both sides.
"you don't have to stay, it's late and you should go to school tomorrow." taya whispered.
"i'm staying." he stated, "i'm not going to school without you." taya nodded her head. the three of them fell into a comfortable silence. until it was broken by the name dustin henderson being called out. they all jumped up and rushed over to where the nurse was standing.
"come on back baby" she smiled, but hesitated when she saw jonathan and taya, "are either of you a parent or guardian?" they looked at each other.
"no." taya said, "but i'm his sister and our mom is at work."
"then only one of you can come back." jonathan smiled at taya and went back to the waiting room. the lady led them down the hall to a room, dustin hopped onto the big chair while taya sat adjacent to him. the nurse asked about allergies and medications which taya responded to, seeing as dustin had no idea. she picked up her stethoscope and had dustin breath.
"oh dear." the nurse quickly jotted down something and then left.
"what the fuck?" taya said, under her breath.  a doctor came in a few moments later.
"hey guys." he spoke, walking into the room, "this'll be a pretty quick procedure but we're going to want to keep him overnight, seeing how high his heart rate is." he had dustin lay back in the chair, and started putting him on sedatives.
"young lady, i'm going to have to ask you to leave, i promise he's in good hands." taya nodded in response but left reluctantly.

she made her way back to the waiting room, where jonathan looked half asleep. his head jolted up when he noticed taya walking towards him.
"what'd they say?" he questioned.
"his heart rate is high, but it'll be a quick procedure, they're having him stay overnight. you should go home, i'm going to wait for my mom."
"no it's okay." jonathan replied. taya smiled and walked over to the telephones. she dialed her moms work number.
"hey can you put ms henderson on the phone?" she asked.
"hello?" her moms voice said.
"mom, dustin broke his arm, we're at the hospital now, he's going into procedure." she quickly blurted out.
"oh gosh, i'll be there soon honey." the line ended. taya sighed, hanging the phone back up. she trudged back over to jonathan, she sat down next to him. taya rested her head on his shoulder, and before either of them knew it, they were knocked out.

taya woke up to a bunch of footsteps running about. she opened her eyes and remembered everything that happened last night. she went to sit up but jonathan's head was rested on hers. she laughed at this gesture, but stayed put. she scanned the room until her eyes landed on her mom. she was talking, well, yelling at a nurse. her mom scoffed before walking over to taya.
"that nurse won't let me see my own son. this is ridiculous."
"why not?" taya mumbled.
"because he's asleep. that's not even a valid reason." ms henderson shook her head while pulling out a newspaper. taya stood still, dozing off every few minutes. eventually, she felt the weight of jonathan's head being lifted. she sat up, stretching out her neck, before turning to him.
"how'd you sleep?" she asked.
"great, actually." he laughed. a nurse walked over to taya's mom and whispered something to her. she immediately got up and walked down the hall.
"i'm assuming dustin's okay?" he questioned.
"yeah i think so, i mean it's just an arm right?"
"right. i'll be right back." taya stated, getting up. she walked out of the room, down the hall, looking for a clock, she stumbled upon one reading 11:51.
"i'd be in 4th period right now." taya said to herself, walking back to the waiting room. she sat back down.
"it's 11:51."
"huh?" jonathan replied.
"it's 11:51." she restated.
"oh okay?" he laughed.
"i don't know i'm bored." taya put her head in her hands.
"then let's goooo." jonathan groaned. taya laughed.
"go where?"
"um there's the uh," he stammered, snapping his fingers, "the um, movies!" he sighed in relief.
"wait yeah okay!" taya exclaimed, getting up, "i should probably see about dustin first." she walked over to his room and knocked on the door. a small
"come in." came from the other side. she opened the door and walked over to the bed.
"hey bud, how are you feeling?"
"better." he held up his arm's blue cast.
"awesome color choice!" taya smiled, earning one from him in return, "well i got to go, do you know when they're releasing you?"
"i think tonight or tomorrow." he muttered.
"okay, i'll be back soon. love you." she said, before placing a kiss on top of his head.
"love you too." she shut the door behind her and shuffled down the hall towards jonathan. they both left.

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