5. pepsi or coke?

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{edited, july 28th 2022, chapter number}

"yeah hey." steve said from the other line.
"how did you know i was here?" she asked, confusion filling her eyes.
"i told him." a voice said, his voice.
"dustin! get off the other line!"
"fine." the line died.
"wait so you're at my house?" taya questioned, a smile forming on her face. she heard a slight laugh from the other side.
"oh uh yeah, you just weren't answering the phone, so i came over. wanted to make sure everything was ok." he stated.
"yeah, yeah." she blurted out, "everything's great, i'm just spending the night over here." she nervously laughed.
"oh okay." he sighed? "i'll see you tomorrow or something."
"okay bye!" she exclaimed.
"bye." she hung the phone back up, trudging back to jonathan. he looked up and saw she looked almost disappointed. she sighed.
"hey, what happened?" jonathan asked, eyes full of worry.
"you just lost." before he could comprehend what she said, he had been hit in the face with a pillow. he was sent to the ground, holding his head.
"ah, ow." he winced.
"oh my god, i am so sorry, are you okay-" she was pulled to the ground.

the two went to bed, later than they should've. jonathan mumbled and groaned while taya tossed and turned. she usually slept in wills room when he wasn't home, but they were both too into the show, and too stubborn to say they were tired first, they ended up falling asleep on the recliner and sofa. taya was startled awake by jonathan running around the house.
"dude what the fuck are you doing right now?" taya grumbled.
"i was- supposed to- meet- nancy- 10 minutes ago." he said while running into different rooms. he came back out fully dressed, shoes on, camera ready, "didn't i tell you we're going this morning."
"no." she laughed, "and their is no way i'm going." she turned back over.
"you're loss." jonathan stated, grabbing the keys and walking out the front door. taya finally got up a few minutes later and made herself a bowl of cereal. joyce was at work so she was home alone. she sat back down on the couch, trying to decide what she should do.

eventually taya got back up and got dressed. she changed into a plain green tee and some black sweatpants. she then went into jonathan's room and grabbed his walkman from the dresser. she pulled open the fourth door of it to his cassette collection, she sorted through them, trying to find something she liked. she finally found the number of the beast by iron maiden. she grabbed it and put it in, put the headphones on, and walked out of the house. it was about a 3 mile walk back to her house, it would take taya about 45 minutes, if she kept a regular pace. taya had made it about half way down the road, when she saw a path leading to the woods. well... since she had nothing better to do, she went down it. after a few minutes it looked like she was headed nowhere, but finally she came to the end. she'd never seen this neighborhood before, or had she? oh shit. steve's neighborhood. how the fuck does this keep happening. she started walking down the road when she came across his driveway, the driveway in which he was washing his car. his white shirt was almost entirely soaked through. she caught herself staring but before she could get out of sight, he noticed her.
"taya?" taya!" he yelled, rushing over to her. taya took off her headphones.
"hey stevie." she replied, "you're awfully wet?" his hair was dripping.
"oh yeah." he laughed, "so uh what are you doing over here?"
"just passing through, i took a trail from jonathan's house."
"oh ok, well i need to finish washing my car, see you later tonight?" he said, beginning to walk away.
"yeah okay!" she answered, she walked away from his house, her face started burning up.

she eventually arrived back at her house. she opened the door to dustin, watching her from the couch.
"why did steve harrington need to talk to you?" he said immediately.
"why did you let him in the house?" she queried back.
"he said it was important!"
"oh whatever." she spoke, headed towards her room.
"hey you never answered my question!" he yelled.
"and i never will!" she exclaimed. she set jonathan's walkman on her desk and started playing whatever record she could find. synchronicity by the police. she picked up the phone to call barb. it rang. and it kept ringing until it dialed out.
"ugh." taya groaned to herself. it was only 12pm and she had nothing to do.
"i'm going to lucas' house!" dustin screamed, slamming the front door. she watched him through the window, talking into his walkie talkie. she laughed to herself. she went down to the kitchen to grab something to eat when the phone rang. taya ran to go answer it.
"hello?" she asked.
"hey taya." it was barb.
"oh hi, i called you earlier but you didn't pick up." she fake pouted.
"my parents just finished installing the pool, i was doing a 'test swim'." taya could imagine the finger quotes.
"dude i want to swim. i'm coming over." she stated.
"okay!" barb exclaimed.
"see you soon!" she said, before hanging up. she went back to her room and picked out a black high waisted bikini, with a triangle cut top. she threw that on, putting some blue denim shorts on over it. she went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, threw it in her backpack, and took off to the front door.
"where are you going?" her mom asked, as she put her keys in the front pocket of her bag.
"barb's." she answered, grabbing her sunglasses from the counter, "be back soon." taya walked out the front door to her/her mom's car. it was a 1982 BMW alpina b7 s turbo. the best car in the world. she hopped into the driver's side and threw her bag into the passenger seat. technically she didn't have her license yet, but most of the kids in her grade did so she wouldn't get pulled over, right? taya hoped that as she backed out of the driveway.

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