Chapter Five

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(Loki's Pov)

With nothing to do, and quite frankly not wanting to have more human interaction than necessary, Loki wandered the tower in search of some form of entertainment. Thor promised to bring the dark prince's possessions as soon as he could, although a specific time was never stated in that conversation. The midgardians refused to grace him with anything more than the bare necessities, making this place feel more like a cell than a headquarters.

During the tour, Loki made sure to memorize specifically which areas he could or could not enter. Soon finding a new activity; see how many windows he could peer through. Into those 'forbidden' rooms, as he figured the hallways to not be a part of their list.

One such endeavor led him to find an unlocked door, no windows attached. Loki doubted it could be considered on his list of 'permitted' places, but when he realised the room had never been mentioned, curiosity got the better of him.

Perhaps it would give him a way to remove this damned magic cuff. Ever since he learned what it does, the bracelet quickly received such a title from Loki. It only allowed him to perform the most basic or quickest spells, detecting his usage by the energy he released or what not.

Loki opened the door, light pouring out into the hallway. He was on one of the lowermost floors, most likely the only one with no windows. Lights swung along the ceiling, casting long shadows down the way. Inside the room, large floodlights poured out onto every surface.

Including a cell which mirrored his own on the helicarrier, although this time it seemed they held some mercy on the prisoner. With no visual drop to their death, that is.

His mask instantly resumed on his face, as Loki stalked into the room. Two criminals in the same tower? How opportunistic.

"And who might you be?"


(Your Pov)

"And who might you be?" The voice startled you from your slumber- or, the closest thing to it you had nowadays. Time blurred together, each day passing with seconds or never at all.

Your eyes snap open. This voice was new, an eerie accent coating every one of his words. You refrain from looking towards the visitor, keeping up your charade. The Avengers continued to try new tactics to make you speak, rarely getting you to do so. It almost felt like a game, teasing the members with the variability. Would you talk today? Would you say anything more than 'What day is it?" If they ever cajoled you to ask a question, it was your only answer. The only answer that would keep your secrets from them.

But this time, the silence which passed between the two of you was maddening. A staring contest, seeing who would give in first.

"Can't you speak?" He snapped, walking into your view. His eyes pierced your own, a drowning sensation instantly filling your head. "Or are you too afraid?"

What- what was he doing? You build up walls around your mind, fortifying them with memories. Strong, emotional memories. Your parents may not have taught you much, but you've dealt with enough witches or wizards over the centuries to know how to keep others out. Or in this case, frustrate him to no end.

His presence receded, a curious look now plastered across his features. He was much taller than you are, a touch of poshness about him. As if he expected everyone to simply bend to his every will and whim. "Impressive."

Oh really? You wanted to surprise his whisper with a snappish comeback, just like anyone else who entered. It would be amusing to see him squirm from your words, at the least.

"But what could you have done to initiate the wrath of the Avengers, I wonder?" He pulled at each word, making the sentence sound as playful as possible. You couldn't help but roll your eyes from his poor attempt to toy with you.

His words tugged at your mind, causing you to smile mischievously. Something about this man made you want to test the waters, to tease and toy with him just as he tried. It seemed this expression showed across your face, the visitor matching your smirk.

"What evils can a Midgardian even do?"

Oh no.

Your smirk dropped just a touch, barely enough for any normal person to realise. For any normal person on this Earth to connect the dots, between a single word and frown.

His playful smirk quickly upturned into one of those who knew they just gained an upper hand. Because he knew

"Ah, that is why, is it not? A human could never do whatever terrible crimes you've committed. Let alone when the victim is their own race." He paused his guessing for a moment, eyeing your growing smirk suspiciously. You never committed any 'terrible crimes'. You simply... existed.

How could existing be a crime?

"Vengeance, then. Against an Avenger?" The man stood, starting to pace around your cell. Your expression never wavered. "You stole something? Disrespected some human artifact? A petty squabble?" He jumped from accusation to accusation, running any reasons through his mind. He seemed almost amused by your silence, this interrogation becoming a game of charades.

And you almost... enjoyed it.

"You were caught." He suddenly turned towards you, eyes gleaming with the answer. That shine only fortified when you didn't correct him. "A not-human, caught on Earth with... powers, of some kind." You noticed how he made sure to never give away anything unnecessary, in this case that being your magic. He laughed. "Yes, you will be quite the project."

Project? You? After staying stubbornly silent for weeks already?

How is he just figuring this out?

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