Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Tony's Pov)

That... That did not go as planned. Tony wanted Fury to press Loki, yes. And he told the director that if simply questioning the prince didn't raise a reaction from her, to try threatening the high and mighty pompous god of lies. Stark thought that he could hold his own, and perhaps Y/N would merely feel uncomfortable or try to stop it... At worst.

Tony didn't expect she would start spewing her argument so fiercely. But on a positive note, he was now confident of his hypothesis. Tony knew she exhibited various dragonic qualities, but now her reaction seemed to confirm his theory. He found her hoard.

However, this problem split into a dozen more, and those dozen split into another dozen each. For one, the princes and their goddamned quest. The dragon-slaying quest, which for some terribly mistaken reason Y/N attended. Then of course there was the question of magic and the various species's needs that such a legend would have. But Stark figured he needn't worry about that for now. The third question covered this.

Why on Earth was she human? Let alone, how it could be scientifically accomplished? As the proof piled in his dossier continued to point toward magic, the genius knew he would regret becoming involved in such a conclusion. But Y/N needed help if she was going to stay here hiding under the princes' noses.

The half dragon left the living room quickly, scurrying back to her floor. But while she could escape, and Loki shortly thereafter in a burst of green mist, the others could not. Fury closed their debriefing with a snide comment about Tony's involvement, and the team turned against him in record time. For why on all the Earth would he want Fury to question Loki so harshly?

They wanted to know what the hell the billionaire was thinking, and Tony tried to explain that he just wanted to test their dynamic. He wanted to know what was going on between them after their mission. They had all seen it between Loki's strange concern and Y/N's... Well, she was far more exhausted than anyone thought she would be.

Especially with Thor still present among them, Stark didn't trust his new theory with any of the others. Not yet. He needed to know what the two magicians were hiding and if it had anything to do with Y/N's identity.

But Tony doubted so. Loki would have exploited that advantage long ago if he knew.

It took some time, but inevitably Tony managed to soothe the Avengers and create a plan. One step, really. One stupid but entirely necessary idea that would prove his theory beyond any doubts.

He needed the dragon to reveal herself.


(Your Pov)

Oh gods.

Oh fuck.

You pace from the window to your bathroom, narrowly dodging your bed at the halfway point. The covers were prime for a long hibernation after that... trance, but you couldn't stop your mind long enough to consider it.

They had to know.

What other option was there? The Avengers were smart enough to connect the dots that something was up with you and Loki. The Asgardians themselves wouldn't be long until they realized just what you were and tried to kill you. Let alone Loki... He knew you weren't as in control of yourself as you claimed.

Any or all of these may happen, leading to a number of outcomes you prayed over and over would be avoided. But the worst seemed the most realistic. The Avengers would be suspect of you and Loki and upon hearing that you were indeed a man-eating beast who lied to them all this time, parading about in your human mask... The Avengers would be on board to see your head hung on a wall.

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