Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back! Updates for Flightless will now be regular with releases every Monday and Thursday (GUARANTEED at least through the end of May). Enjoy! Thanks for reading!)

(Loki's Pov)

This... was bad.

Loki scrutinized every corner edge and every inky word of every page in his spell book, looking for anything that might hint as to which spell she found. The book covered everything from luminescence to the theoretical applications of magics and interdimensional travel: the sort of applications that Loki had never been able to unravel for all that they piqued his interest. But he didn't know how advanced or how little Y/N knew: she obviously held vast amounts of power to be able to continually break through his defenses, an amount that rivaled the levels he could only dream of reaching with the staff. And yet she didn't use her power to escape the Tower or even persuade the Avengers to do her bidding. She just... used them on him alone. But for someone in her situation to be looking through his book of magic?

This was very bad.

When his search yielded no answers, Loki set the book back in its place. He didn't have the magic to challenge any magical beings anytime soon. He could barely manage what trivial things Thor asked of him, and what few spells the prince tried to scrape together for his own personal use. Only... If she continued to break down all his defenses, even such basic things would be futile.

Loki ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep sigh. What else could he do? If such power combined with the darkest of secrets in this book, Y/N could be planning to make his life a living nightmare; let alone how she could curse and enchant and lie to make sure that no one ever knew. She even... Y/N knew the fears that haunted his mind. Despite how the mortal had almost seemed pitiful of his condition when she first broke in, Loki couldn't trust what one might do knowing such things about himself.

He refused to be a victim again.

He just couldn't be.

Without a second thought, Loki jumped to his feet, rushing across the hall. He wouldn't let her get away with this. Not if he could manage any sliver of resistance.

He banged on the door, "Y/N!"

Footsteps hurried about for a moment, a small curse echoing from deep within the room. "Just a minute!" He could hear as she fumbled with a piece of clothing, before the door creaked open.

Loki didn't know what he had expected would happen when seeing her. The image of a witch more powerful than any others had been built up in his mind, so much so that he prepared himself for any trickery that might be used against him.

But he never imagined this spell.

"Loki, hey. I wasn't... uh," She blubbered over her words, "Sorry about your room."

He didn't expect the illusion.

"I swear it was an accident!" The captive tried to cover her mishap, muttering lies about haywire magic and using his spellbook to try and fix them, with little success. Her words poisoned the air, ringing in his ears after every word. "I hope there's no bad blood between-"

"Stop." Loki said sharply, tempted to scoff. "No bad blood? You broke into my quarters; used my spellbook without permission, let alone without experience; then you lied, to me about the matter; yet you expect no hard feelings?" But this turn of events was too interesting to leave alone. A powerhouse without any guidance?

She hesitated at his accusation, scrambling to cover the glimmer of fear in her eyes. "You make it sound like I'm some criminal." She tried to close the door. "I'm not lying."

Loki caught it, "But aren't you?" He took a step inside, watching carefully for any other spells she might have casted. "Y/N, I may not be able to use most of my magics, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to yours."

Her eyes widened, following his sights to her shoulder. She had hidden its true nature under a strong illusion, one that glowed and sparkled as it drew from her power. The mortals would have no idea, but to Loki...

She crossed her arms, "You need to leave."

"Are you sure that's a good decision?" Loki paused for barely a second, barely allowing her to realize that he knew now, and was not above ratting her out for his own benefit. "I have a proposal."

"If it's eternal servitude, I'm fine on my own, thanks."

"No it's not-" Loki sighed, "You obviously want to hide whatever the truth is about yourself. But there are better ways than rifling through my belongings." He could see how she wanted to deny another such 'criminal' claim, but bit her tongue. "Between my brother's mission, to my personal spells, my reserves are worn too thin if you keep having these mishaps."

"Get to the point."

Loki smirked. "I will teach you to control your powers, if you promise to lend an extra spell or two as needed." He shrugged while she considered his words. "You have more than enough magic to spare, simply no proper idea how to control it."

She thought for a long minute, weighing her options. Really, her only option. "That's... not a horrible idea. But when would I learn?"

"I am leaving with Thor in the morning. You could join us, and afterwards we could start our lessons."

Y/N agreed, and further details were discussed. She had some basic questions and concerns regarding her magic, and Loki had his own. Neither wanted this pact to come back to haunt them, but rather the partnership be focused on the benefits to be gained.

"Loki?" Y/N called just as he was about to leave, far too tired after both the mission and dealing with his intruder to keep up. As he explained when he excused himself. She seemed very receptive that they were doing good in the realm- Or, at the very least Loki was trying to do something productive. "What's the mission for?"

"We're hunting a beast that escaped from our realm." He surmised, catching a glimpse of familiarity on her features. "Only... It is near impossible to track it after so many years. Why?"

"I... I'm just curious." She seemed to steel herself, "What realm are you from again?"

Loki nearly laughed that she didn't know. It seemed all of Midgard knew his past already, from the princes' home to Loki's own heritage. He found it curious just how disconnected she made herself from the other mortals.

"Asgard. Now, I really must be going." Another set of words rose to his lips, and Loki paused briefly to roll them over. He didn't think their relations called for such a custom, and yet... "Goodnight, Lady Y/N."


(Your Pov)

Well... Fuck.

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