Chapter Ten

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(Loki's Pov)

"Loki?" A voice accompanied a knock at the door, the only warning before the entry was blown open. "Ah, there you are."

"Where else would I be?" Loki snapped, stopping his fiddling with a trinket he found. That... witch tore against his defenses in seconds, releasing the memories he kept hidden so well. The thoughts that no one had seen- and that no one will.

Until Y/N.

Loki wanted to curse her for what she did. How could she ram through his mind so effortlessly, and then claim she didn't know what was going on? If she wasn't lying- despite how Loki wished she were- that much power could cause enough destruction to wipe away life of thousands at a time. Y/N could cause the end of the Avengers without even batting an eye.

And yet, she didn't. All that power, left untouched. Did she want to remain here? Or did the girl really not know what lies within her? Loki couldn't help but try to piece together what was really going on.

Thor chuckled. "I do not know." He strode across the room, evaluating Loki's state. Deciding to completely disregard any theories on his condition. "I have a message from Father."

"Really? Does he suddenly regret my banishment, and has sent a message for my return?" He paid Thor no attention as he said the words, studying the toy he tossed. A million crimes committed, and yet Loki is the only one banished. Why? Odin was king of Asgard. Why should he care what happens to any other realm?

"No, but-"

"Then why should I care what he has to say?" Loki interrupted, sparing Thor any pleasantries. Such things were overrated by now.

Thor huffed, looking put upon from even this simple conversation. "He has issued us a quest. Upon its completion, the All-father said your banishment would be revised." When Loki remained quiet, he pushed on. "This is progress, brother!"

"Progress? Progress would be this banishment ending, not some promise to look at the decree once again." Loki rolled his eyes, holding up a hand when Thor started to push for his agreement. If anything, this quest might be a way to escape the Avengers. "What is it?"

"There is a dragon on Midgard." A dragon? Such beasts have been extinct for centuries. Wiped away for their treasonous and destructive ways. Before the mage could argue such points, Thor interrupted him. "The last one of its kind. Father said this beast is foreseen to be the destruction of Asgard. We have to slay it!"

"Slay the last dragon in existence?" Loki scoffed, sitting up nonetheless. The last of the fire-breathing serpents? This would be quite fascinating in the least. "And how do you expect to find it?"

Thor smiled. "You can trace its magic-"

Trace a dragon's magic? How stupid was he? "Oh yes, use magic with a creature who is practically made of it- that sounds reasonable. Do you know how stupid you sound sometimes?" Loki laughed, turning back to the trinket.

"Then we will find another way." Thor reasoned, "But I need to know if you are joining me on this mission?"

Would he? An excuse to get out of the tower, and study a creature thought to be extinct? "I will."


It was hours before anyone- or anything- bothered him again. Loki filled the time lost in thought, slowly accepting that Y/N really did have no idea of her abilities. An immortal with magic... Loki dared to think she was Asgardian. But really, there were creatures in any realm with those descriptions. Let alone other possibilities.

Footsteps sprinted down the hallway, a siren blasting over the speakers. What was going on now?

He opened his door, stopping the first to pass. Or- they stopped him.

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