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*The next day they are next to their horses*

Louis: did you ride before? 

*Harry smirks, jumps on his horse and goes away from Louis and Louis goes after him*


*Harry takes his hands off and opens them letting the wind moving his curls. Suddenly he loses his balance and falls down on the ground. Louis jumps off the horse and runs to him*

Louis: Prince Harry! Look at me.

*Harry opens his eyes and their faces are so close that he can feel Louis' breath on his lips*

Louis: are you okay? Do you feel pain somewhere?

*Harry just stares at him*

Louis: Prince Harry please talk to me! I need you know you're good! 

*Louis looks directly in his eyes and Harry presses his lips against Louis' lips. Their hearts were racing ready to jump off their chest but Louis backed up*

Louis: p-prince you can't do that.

Harry: I-... umm I'm sorry. 

*Harry gets up*

Harry: I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

*Harry starts crying and Louis hugs him*

Harry: p-please don't tell the queen 

Louis: I won't. I promise

Harry nods: t-thank you.

Louis: hey. Head up.

*Harry breaks the hug and looks at Louis*

Louis smiles: a prince is strong. 

Harry: well the prince doesn't feel like a prince when he's with you 

Louis: I'll take this as a compliment. Now, back to our horses. Did you hurt yourself? 

Harry: no I'm good.

Louis: okay good. Next time you'll act responsible and not do that again. 

Harry: do what? 

Louis: you won't take your hands off. You can lose balance anytime and fall and next time won't be such a gentle fall 

Harry: oh okay.

Louis: but you're a good rider. 

Harry: well thank you. 

*Later that night Louis was sitting at the edge of the dock looking at the lake when he heard footsteps. He gets up slowly and when he turns around he pulls out his knife pointing it to Harry*

Harry: wowo slow down

Louis: oh prince. Sorry. 

Harry giggles: it's okay.

*Louis puts the knife back on, Harry sits down and Louis sits next to him*

Harry: for a second I thought you wanted to kill me for real. 

Louis: I'm supposed to protect you not to kill you

Harry: well yeah but after today…

Louis: I didn't say you can't kiss a man. You are free to kiss a man. Or a woman. But a royal man, Prince Harry. Not a worker. I am no one. 

*Harry looks at him right in the eyes*

Harry: You're not no one

Louis: to you yes. Prince Harry, you are royal, I am a simple man. I'm really no one.

Harry: I never agreed about these rank shit. You are a human as I am one. Stop saying you're no one

Louis laughs: okay. 

Harry: so you won't kill me because I kissed you

Louis: no. 

Harry: can I tell you a secret? 

Louis: yeah.

Harry: that was my first kiss

*Louis looks shocked at him*

Louis: are you serious? 

Harry: yeah.

Louis: I… I'm flattered 

*Harry smiles*

Harry: do I kiss good?

*Louis blushes and nods*

Harry: really? 

Louis: yes Prince Harry. Can I tell you a secret? 

Harry: yeah.

Louis: I liked it

Harry: really??

Louis: yeah.

Harry: ohh I'm flattered 

*Louis laughs*

Louis: I want you tomorrow to work hard and finish your drawing fast.

Harry frowns: why?

Louis: just do what I say.

Harry: okay. 

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