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*The kids arrived and they run in their parents'arms crying. Louis and Harry hold their hands watching them with teary eyes*

Louis whispers: I hate your parents! 

Harry: I'm glad we feel the same. You know why I didn't kill her?

Louis: why?

Harry: because that would be too easy for her. 

Louis: you little crazy man 

*Harry giggles*

Louis: I love you a lot

Harry: I love you too. A lot more 

*Louis blushes and Harry side hugs him. People come to them saying thank you for bringing their kids back and they all left but one boy. He comes to them*

Boy: Sir?

Harry: why are you alone? 

Boy: I don't have parents. 

Harry: what's your name?

Boy: Aiden 

Louis: come with us Aiden. 

Boy: who are you?

Harry: I'm Harry. 

Louis: And I'm Louis. We promise we are very fun. Aren't we, Harry?

Harry: more me than Louis but yes

*Louis laughs*

*Aiden takes their hands and they go in the castle*

Louis: what happened with your parents little Aiden?

Aiden: I never met them

Harry: you don't have a house?

Aiden: no I sleep in a shop

Harry: what happened to the people that raised you?

Aiden: they died.

*Louis and Harry froze*

Louis: why?

Aiden: they were killed. 

*Harry bends down to him*

Harry: how long ago?

Aiden: two years. 

Harry: how are you feeling, Aiden? 

Aiden smiles: good.

*Harry just looks at him and Aiden breaks down into crying. Harry pulls him to his chest*

Harry: It's okay.

*Harry looks up at Louis and he has tears in his eyes, his bottom lip is shaking and he looks up trying to stop the tears from falling on his cheeks. He looks down to Harry and whispers*

Louis: it's not okay.

*Louis exhales deeply and Harry pulls apart and looks at Aiden*

Harry: We're really sorry. 

Aiden: t-they died because t-they raised me

*Harry shakes his head*

Harry: no… is not your fault, little boy. It's not your fault 

Aiden: yes it is. The woman yelled at me "Because of you"

*Harry froze and Louis bends down to them*

Louis: that woman wasn't right. In none of the cases. You hear me?

*Aiden nods and Louis touches Harry's chin*

Louis: do you hear me?

Harry whispers: yeah

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