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Harry: what?

Louis: I… I can't do this to you. As much as it hurts me to say it, this isn't good for you. 

*Harry shakes his head*

Harry: no you can't leave.

Louis: I will. And you will let me leave.

Harry crying: no. No no

Louis: please. Don't do this to yourself. I was trained since I was 6. I knew how to fight perfectly, and I almost died. You won't survive. You won't survive out there. Please think about it. Your parents  will turn against you just because you're different. It'll kill you mentally and then the citizens will come after you. Please. Please understand what I'm saying. 

*Harry shakes his head*

Harry: you can't do this to me. No.

Louis: I'll leave and you'll forget about me. I didn't exist. You never met me. You never kissed me. You never fell in love with me. And I will forever remember what we had. But just me. I will be the one carrying this. I will be the one hurting and you will forget. You have to. Because the moment you will tell this to someone, you and I will be both dead. 

Harry: N-no please no. No.

Louis: I just want you to know that… I'm doing this for your health. And I care about you so much. I… I love you

*Harry starts crying harder, Louis kisses his forehead*

Louis: GUARDS. 

*Louis disappears in the tunnel and two guards entered seeing Harry crying on his knees in the middle of the room*

Guard: Prince Harry? You yelled? 

*Harry nods crying*

Guard: another sleepwalk?

*Harry nods*

Guard: did you hurt yourself? 

Harry: n-no… y-you c-can leave.

Guard: of course. 

*The guards leave and Harry starts punching the floor crying. In the morning he goes to breakfast. He is broken inside but outside he has to be the same. Just a single thought about Louis makes him break down so he tries to not think about him when he's with his parents, sorry, not parents, monsters*

Queen: Sir Louis left, prince. He said you have nothing to learn from him anymore 

Harry: alright. If he said so.

King: yeah he was very proud of your progress. 

Harry fake smiles: I'm glad.

*The rest of the breakfast was quiet. Harry didn't eat so he got up early and went to his room breathing heavily. He falls on the ground leaning against the door crying*

Harry: oh G-God. How am I gonna do it?

*A week later Louis was walking to the store when he heard two people talking about the prince*

Man: yeah I heard he has some really bad episodes. 

Man: last night he was found on the roof. 

Louis: who?

Man: The prince Harry. Do you think he's gonna hurt himself next time?

Louis: Probably. 

Man: if he dies-

*Louis raises his hand stopping him*

Louis: don't say that. The prince is protected very well; he can't kill himself. 

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