The end

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Two months later, Harry Louis and Aiden are in front of the castle. They moved out a month and a half ago. They live in a big house, with a pool, two floors, and the living room has a piano in it which is amazing. They have a garden of roses and a museum room. Adele got exiled, she died the first day. Louis and Harry got married one month ago. It wasn't a big wedding at all. It was just them and some more people. And now they are ready to check on the people that live in the castle for three weeks now. There are 369 people in it. Which is a lot but considering how huge it is, it's not impossible. Aiden loves them so much. He didn't call them dada and papa yet but Louis and Harry don't pressure him. People love them. They are adored and everyone thanks them for everything. Everyone is happy in the castle and now they are talking with the principal guard from the castle while Aiden is running around with the other kids*

Louis: so everything works out good

Guard: yes. People got used to it. Children adore it. They love their activities and meals and candies. They surely missed it. 

Louis: I'm sure they did. Do you think we can improve something?

Harry: I have an idea.

Louis: yeah babe

Harry: yesterday while we were walking around the town I saw more than five pregnant women. We don't have a place for them. There are pregnant women who can't do it by themselves. Or for those whose pregnancy is very hard. We need to make some kind of clinic for them.

Louis: very good idea.

*They hear a scream and Louis and Harry run towards Aiden*

Louis: what happened? Aiden? 

Aiden: it hurts dada.

Louis: aww you tripped? 

*Aiden nods*

Louis: Harry already ran to bring something to clean that wound. Come.

*Louis lifts him up in bridal style and puts him on the couch*

Louis: don't cry my boy.

Aiden: it hurts. 

*Louis pulls him to his chest caressing his cheek. Harry comes and looks at him concerned*

Aiden cries: papa

*Harry kisses his forehead*

Harry: I'm gonna clean it and then cover it up so it won't hurt bad anymore, okay?

*Aiden nods and buries his face in Louis chest*

*After Harry finished he kissed his forehead again*

Harry: now you'll get a very cool scar

Aiden giggles: if cool scars need to hurt then I don't want them papa.

Harry giggles: well you're very cool without them too.

Aiden: thank you.

*Louis looks at them smiling*

Aiden: I think it's time to call you dada and papa, okay?

*They nod*

Louis: thank you for your pure heart

*Aiden hugs him*

Louis: C'mon group hug

*Harry hugs them*

*Harry and Louis look at each other smiling and they want to kiss*

Aiden: eeeee. No kiss! That was the deal

Louis pouts: but it's a royal kiss. Because of a royal love.

Aiden: what's that?

Louis: a royal kiss?

Aiden: royal love?

Louis: love between two Kings

Aiden: and kiss?

Louis: it's a very necessary kiss.

Aiden: hmmm.

Louis: I'm serious. It's like air.

Aiden: okay. For the sake of royal love you can kiss.

*Louis and Harry smile and kiss*

Aiden: sneaky dada

*Louis giggles*

Louis: always. 

*Louis winks*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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