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*In the morning Harry wakes up and Louis is still on his chest. He smiles, feeling his warmth and watching him breathing relaxed on his chest. He plays with a few strands of hair and Louis looks at him*

Louis: good morning babe

Harry: hi. I thought you were sleeping! 

Louis: no… I was just too comfortable to get up

Harry: awww. How did you sleep?

Louis: perfect. 

Harry: same. 

*Louis kisses his jawline and gets up*

Harry: sneaky sir. You can't kiss me on my jawline and just leave like that. It's like showing candy to a child and not giving it to them. 

*Louis laughs so hard*

Louis: You're actually calling me sir more often than you did before 

Harry laughs: I like to call you sir

Louis: and I like it too. It sounds very flirty and hot

Harry giggles: I know 

*Louis sits at the edge of the bed facing Harry*

Louis: you know what I've been thinking since I woke up?

Harry: what? 

Louis: you remember how I always told you to not let fear control you?

*Harry nods*

Louis: I let the fear control me. 

Harry: what do you mean?

Louis: when I was exiled, I thought everyone hated me, this is what I've been told. But out of millions of citizens just 82 wanted to kill me. That's such a small number. And I was scared. That everyone hates me even now. I was scared that people from here would hate me. This is why I never told anyone my first name. I didn't want to come because I was afraid of two things. One you'll die and two people will kill us because of me. But now that I think back it was so stupid to think that… It was fearful thinking. I… people love us. Omg they really do. You are alive. You're with me. Nothing I thought it'll happen actually happened. But if I would have let the fear control me yesterday as well, you would be married with a woman, unhappy and I would have been broken 

*Harry pouts and hugs him*

Harry: I understood you babe. I really did. And I saw how much you were fighting with your thoughts. But I'm here, very alive. More alive than ever. People love us for who we are. You don't have to hide anymore. I don't have to marry some Queen. Because I have my king right here. And we'll show the people how it feels to be free. And we'll show them how it is to be fearless. And we will be together 

Louis: yes. Happy and healthy together. 

*Harry nods*

Harry: I love you sir Louis! 

Louis: I love you prince Harry

*Louis kisses him sweetly*

Harry: and Lou?

Louis: yeah.

Harry: not everyone will accept this. 

Louis: I know. 

Harry: but how for you, from millions were just 82… the people that won't accept this now won't matter. And they can talk whatever the hell they want. I couldn't care less. But in the moment any of them will act disrespectful towards us, or other people like us. We're gonna make sure they'll learn a lesson. Because this is what we do. Change people. Change this old stupid thinking. 

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