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*The ball passed. Harry hated it. Apparently a lot of ladies found him very attractive. And more mature. He had to dance with all of them and it was tragic. The moment he entered in his room he jumped on his bed hitting it with his hands when the doors opened. He gets up fast knowing it can't be Louis, it was the Queen. Harry stands up*

Queen: Prince Harry. How was it?

Harry: great. 

Queen: did you dance with anyone? 

Harry: yes. With one queen and three princesses 

Queen: amazing. Did any lady catch your eye? 

Harry: no.

Queen: I'm sure you caught their eye. 

Harry: yeah. 

Queen: good night. 

Harry: good night 

*The Queen leaves and Harry falls back on the bed*

Harry: of course I caught their eye. But what about the prince? Oh it doesn't matter what the prince wants. Because the prince wants a Louis not a freaking lady. And that is not allowed. Old stupid people 

*Harry feels his bed moving and a kiss on his jawline*

Louis: did that help?

Harry: definitely. 

Louis: in my opinion you couldn't look more uninterested than you looked during that ball

Harry laughs: I honestly don't care how I looked because I will marry someone with or without my want. So screw it.

Louis: there's time until then

Harry: I know… but I still don't care.

*Louis giggles*

Louis: you need to undress. 

Harry: I will.

Louis: you danced amazing at the ball. I'm proud of you.

Harry: can I tell you a secret? 

Louis: mhm

Harry: I imagined I was dancing with you

Louis smiles: awww that's cute

Harry: I'm cute

Louis: yes you are. Good night, prince Harry. 

Harry: good night sir Louis. 

*The next day Louis is called to the King and Queen*

King: Sir Louis you've been an amazing teacher and guard for our prince but it's time for you to leave.

Louis: may I know why?

King: Prince Harry might fall in love with you. He looks different at you and we are afraid that if that happens we'll have to exile him.

*Louis froze*

Louis: exile him just because he falls in love? 

Queen: yes. We don't accept it. And he won't be able to live outside in the world after people find out he is not straight. 

Louis nods: so I have to leave?

King: yes. This is just a phase, it'll pass. I want you to not see him anymore.

Louis nods: of course, your majesty! If you allow me, I'll leave

King: of course. 

*Louis bows and leaves. He enters in his room crying*

*Later at 3am Louis goes to Harry and they go to their secret house. Louis didn't talk at all and Harry stops him the moment they entered*

Harry: why are you so quiet?

Louis: I'm gonna tell you a story. 

Harry giggles: a story? What am I? A kid?

Louis: a real story. Sit down prince.

*Harry sits down*

Louis: there was once a boy. A prince. A fighter prince. Who had really strict parents. But the problem was… the prince wasn't straight. The prince liked boys, he was just 17 when he realised it so he thought his parents would understand. He entered his parents' room, very nervous, and said three words: "I like boys". But his parents' reaction wasn't a good one. They told him to leave, otherwise he will be… *a tear falls on Louis' cheek* otherwise he will be dead till morning. He was exiled by his own parents just because he was loving someone he wasn't supposed to. So he left. He took with him any weapons he could because he knew that by morning all the kingdom would know about him. And by morning he was attacked by more than 50 citizens. He killed exactly 82 people trying to protect himself. He came to another kingdom, and never said his last name because he knew that people knew about his family. He was injured badly, stabbed in his stomach but he recovered. He took care of himself then he came out in the world and understood he was in a royal kingdom. So he learned about anything he could. Because at his castle he was taught just fight, and protection. He said he'll never show his real self. He won't tell anyone who he really is. But then he fell in love badly. Prince Harry, I'm Louis Tomlinson. 

*Harry stops breathing*

Harry: Tomlinson?

Louis nods: the only son of the King and the Queen of the Tomlinson Kingdom. 

*Harry touches his cheek and pulls him into a tight hug and Louis silently cries in his arms*

Harry: I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I'm sorry.

*Louis nods*

Louis: okay. Done with crying. It's time for you to choose a weapon. 

Harry: wait. This soon?

Louis: of course. You're fully trained!

Harry: any weapon? 

Louis: besides the diamond sword. That will be my gift for you.

Harry: no, I can't take it.

Louis: yes you can, and you will. So don't even try to change my mind

Harry hugs him: Thank you so so much Lou

Louis: it's my pleasure. 

Harry: the dagger. I want the dagger 

Louis: uhh good choice. Which one? 

Harry: ummm…

Louis: don't be shy! Go for it!

*Harry takes the most beautiful dagger. A dagger with a rose on it*

Harry: this one

Louis: perfect. Now let's go back

Harry: but you said we'll fight. 

Louis: I changed my mind. 

Harry: really? 

Louis: yes. Now let's go to the castle. 

Harry nods: okay.

*Louis and Harry enter Harry's bedroom and hide the weapons. Louis stops in front of Harry*

Louis: we need to break up

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