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*Harry's pov*

I've waited for him to come every single day. First thing I always did in the morning is looking if there's any sign of Louis around me and nothing. I feel like I'm going towards death. I understand his point of view, and I really understand why he won't come but I really wanted him to come. I'm entering in our venue. Look around. Pay attention to the surroundings. Four exits. Windows everywhere, around 12. The tunnel door is behind that flag. The guards are at the principal entrance. The King and Queen are on their thrones. My dagger is well hidden in my outfit. Look around for two blue eyes that I love, I can't find them. This is it, I'm gonna marry her. It's eleven forty-five tho… he still has 15 minutes. I can't bring myself to smile. My hands are shaking badly. I am afraid that if Lou shows up I'm gonna drop the dagger. Oh God. Here she is. C'mon Harry you can do it. Imagine it's Louis. 

*Louis pov*

I've spent all three days thinking about what I should do. If I go there, a war will start. If I don't go there it'll count like I didn't fight for our love at all. My heart is bleeding just by thinking about Harry marrying another person. But my heart is breaking thinking about him dead. But what if marrying her will lead him to death too. Oh God why every way leads to death. The nightmare I had the night before marked me. Harry was alive but he wasn't here. It was like he was sleepwalking but he was awake. He was looking at me with cold eyes and I felt like I was looking at a stone. I felt like he was killing me with his look. I felt like I was transparent. He said just 5 words: "You gave up on us" but I didn't. I never did. And I never will. Because I'm there. At the venue. Ready to fight for my love. For everyone's love. Ready to die for him. Okay there are four exits. The principal exit is full with guards. I have no chance there. Left exit. Okay two guards I can take them off. Yeah. I pulled my bow out and shot him right in the head. I had luck. The other one didn't shout so I killed him too. Perfect. Let the show begin. 

*General pov*

*Louis opened the door. No one looked at him. Harry was in front of the Queen looking at her. Ready to marry her. Louis looks at the clock. Two minutes until midday. He's on time. There aren't too many people. Easy to take down. Harry saw him and his eyes were shining from happiness. He steps back from the Queen and nods and Louis does too*

Louis: HELLO! 

*Everyone looked at him, the Queen said something to the guard but Louis raised his hands in defence*

Louis: I didn't come to ruin any wedding. She can marry without any problem. I umm I have a kind of disease where I need to be in the center of attention. My doctor said is mentally so I might be crazy. A lot of you know me, have seen me before. But you know who I really am. But I know who knows. He found out. He figured it out. 

*Louis looks at the king*

Louis: You saw my mark didn't you?

*Harry slowly was stepping towards the guards*

Louis: yeah? You have one too? *Laughs* I'm Narcissistic too so I have to say that my mark is more beautiful than your. Just saying. 

*Harry goes to the lead guard*

Harry: I want you all to secure the venue from the outside. 

*The guard nods and leaves and Harry locked the principal door. The other four are locked from the outside. There are no guards inside anymore*

Louis: okay you saw it. You got scared a little. You sent me away. Saying that your prince may fall in love with me. *Laughs* bullshit. You were scared because you have a fighter in the castle! That's a miracle. Hm… no it's not. I don't consider myself part of the royal family anymore because they exiled me. And you know why? Because of who I am. You know sometimes it is hard to accept reality. So you just kill it. It was alright. I survived. After I killed 82 of my people. And after I almost died but that's not the point. So you have here, the prince Louis Tomlinson! Ex prince! Let me correct myself. But let's get back to your prince. The prince you are willing to exile because he might fall in love with a boy, man, me. And you know what? He did not… 

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