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*One week later, Harry is with the king and the Queen with Louis next to them*

Queen: and how do the lessons go?

Harry: very well, Queen. I learnt how to dance more elegant 

Queen: That is amazing. Sir Louis, is he behaving well?

Louis: yes, your majesty. Prince Harry has been behaving very well. 

Queen: That's very good to hear.

King: can I see a drawing? 

Louis: sure. Let me just bring the one from today 

*The king nods and Louis leaves*

King: so you started to like this?

Harry: I always liked this. 

Queen: Yes, he is right. He was just very in love with fighting. I'm glad it passed now

Harry smiles: yeah it passed. 

*Louis enters in the room*

Louis: your majesties here is the prince's new drawing 

*The king looks at the drawing and remains shocked*

King: I didn't know you can draw this beautifully 

Harry: thank you.

Queen: and you say the dancing is good?

Louis: yes. I could see a big difference during the week. 

Queen: perfect. Because there is a ball coming this Saturday and you will participate. 

*Harry nods*

King: make sure you make a good impression, because you need to marry a queen.

Harry: yes king.

King: good. I'll send you people to prepare you the morning of the ball. 

Harry: alright. 

King: You're free to go.

Harry: thank you.

Louis: your majesties. 

*Louis bows and leaves. He sees Harry slamming his bedroom door and sighs sadly. Ten minutes later Harry was sitting on his bed, his face buried in his pillow, silently crying and hitting the pillow once in a while when he felt a touch on his shoulder. He looks up scared and sees Louis with a soft smile on and he just jumps in his arms starting to sob in his arms like a little baby. Louis holds him tight, caressing his back gently and whispering "It's okay" to his ear. When Harry calmed down Louis was playing with his curls still holding him tight and he pulls back*

Harry: I-I'm sorry I feel such a burden and all

Louis: aww hey. You are not a burden. 

Harry: I'm just tired…

Louis: it's okay…

Harry: they expect me to marry a freaking queen. I don't want a queen.

Louis: I know. 

Harry: I don't want a king either. 

Louis: then what do you want, Prince? 

*Harry looks at him in the eyes, he touches his cheekbone and and looks up and down at his face*

Harry: I want you, Sir Louis. 

Louis: Prince Harry that is against the rules. 

Harry: screw them! A lot of things are against the rules and we're doing them. Remember the fight classes at 3am every morning? Hm? Or the kiss? Those were against the rules!

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