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More than six hundred years ago all humans lived on a planet called Earth. My thoughts of my ancestral world are often met with anger and confusion. Earth was magnificent in so many ways, yet it was destroyed by hate, greed, ignorance, indifference and fear. Not only did numerous wars plague the planet, but nearly all of its amazing resources were depleted. Earth was not perfect but when it came to sustaining human life it was. There is no other planet throughout the vast metauniverses that comes close, except for Embaru, my home planet.

Embaru is similar in many ways. It's a beautiful planet that resembles Earth; however, it is 20% of its size. It has varying temperatures and environments such as torrid deserts, freezing artics, tropical regions with active jungles, mountains, and three live oceans. Our oxygen is treated and breathable, and due to advance technology, much of Earth's plant and animal life lives and thrives here. There are also many things that exist here that were not present on Earth. It's truly the best of both worlds.

This is where the comparison stops, and my anger and confusion begins.  Embaru's threats have come from outside our world.  There were no other worlds that threatened Earth. People of Earth waged war, destroyed resources, ruined their life sustaining oxygen, and allowed petty differences with other people and nations to activate their own annihilation. How stupid and it still makes me angry today, more than 600 years later. My ancestors were petty, greedy, arrogant, and ignorant. Where was their vision of a future for their children? Of course, they couldn't fuckin take care of Earth, because they couldn't take care of each other. Damn, that pisses me off.

Earth, the most beautiful planet known to humans, perfect for sustaining life died. When this beautiful paradise of a planet was in its final stages of dying, millions of citizens took to the stars and settled throughout Earth's universe and others far beyond.

Embarians love Embarians and Embaru. Yes, we have our differences, but we are one people and one world.

Unfortunately, our threat came over sixty years ago when The Core  came to Embaru and brought with it a cloaked domination. The Core is an evil regime that's made up of a syndicate of other planets, many having large human populations. They came in peace saying they wanted to share ideas, technology, and resources. Mother says, they were wolves in sheep's clothing. They promised a stronger Embaru.  With their falsely spoken good intentions, many Embarians were fooled, and it didn't take long before The Core infiltrated our government and started enacting laws that slowly divided our planet into a class system – workers and elites. Overnight a ruling class emerged with wealth and privilege. Suddenly cities were placed behind walls and divided into sectors. Peaceful sectors suddenly were under military rule. By the time Embarians saw beneath The Core's corrupted mask of Tyranny, we had fallen.

After many years of fighting a vicious, bloody war, where we were significantly outnumbered, armed with inferior weaponry, and faced odds too great to consider, we stand strong. Even with loss of countless lives our spirits were never broken. Our faith source is the prophecy. We are now on the cusp of victory.

My name is Jeon Jungkook, a proud Embarian and leader of the resistance. I fight for a free and equal Embaru. All who love peace and accept this way of life are welcome - human and alien. We are one family of one world – Embaru. Anyone who threatens this will find their death at the end of my laser sword.

The Prophecy Lives!

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I was writing last week and thought this story needed an intro video. I used the piano version of Stay Alive to get around copyright issues. The first time I heard this song with Jungkook's magical voice I knew it was perfect for OmegaBlu. When you read Chapter one you"ll better understand the meaning for both Tae and Kookie.

What do you think some of Tae's powers are? Hint: Think of Bai. (My Superstar readers will  get this clue).

This fun sci-fi will also include Yoomin and Namjin. Remember, I only write happy endings.

On July 24 you will get the entire first chapter. It will explain a lot and I'm can't wait to upload it. 

New Readers: Go to my home page to find my link for my YouTube Channel. There are stories on YT that are not on Wattpad yet. I also have Season One and Two of Superstar in Video on my home page.

OmegaBlu: A Taekook Sci-fi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now