Part 16: An opportunity

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Taehyung's POV

I can only describe the sound as angry thunder multiplied. The reverberation echoed through me and all my surroundings with such a force I wondered what was coming that would split this world in two, as I dashed to the surface. Something had torn through the atmosphere with a power I've not heard before or likely seen. And for a few seconds I struggled to stay on my feet as the ground shook. It appeared first as a light grey speck on the ebony sky, but the sound told me that it was far more. "A spacecraft." I muttered.

It was larger than most and the sound gave a promise to its power. It was coming in quickly without control. It was silver with a design model I hadn't seen before. There was something different about its assembly. I recognize the markings as it comes down. "It's Embarian, human." My skin prickles with excitement.

It flies directly over me and beyond the trees with sparks of fire spitting from it, trailing black smoke like a dragon's breath. So far it appears intact, but I could tell it was something special. I knelt close to the ground, placing both hands on the surface, until the boom and fiery explosion completed the craft's crash landing.

Securing Blu, I raced towards its direction with two interests. Enemy survivors and scavenging its bounty. Opportunity! Hopefully all crew were dead on impact. If not, Blu and I would advance their passing. "Right Blu?" I mumbled. Trust me, anyone or anything surviving that crash would be thankful for Blu's ease of their pain rather than what awaits them on Kasperia.

I'd have to move fast because I wasn't the only one that was moving towards this unexpected opportunity. Sweet.

Cautiously, I approach the edge of the jungle that outlines a rocky beach. There it is, silver in the light of both moons at their highest point. This couldn't be a better time.

A path of scattered debris leads to the large lake where it sits slowly sinking. It hit the beach and then skidded across a half mile of sand and large rocks.

From here I could see it was banged up but appeared fully intact. "How is this possible? Why was it not obliterated in the atmosphere?" I whisper. What kind of element is it crafted from? An intact hull? Nothing should have survived that crash. And I know spaceships, at least I've studied them in my data files. I love them. But my files haven't been updated since... well I don't want to think about that.

I hear a loud plop as the craft bobs up and down deploying its floatation gear. I'm intrigued and very curious. Are these invaders? What I know about Embarians is that they are peace loving people. I also know there have been years of unrest and fighting. Again, it's been years since my records were updated. They are known for their technological advancement. It's logical they could build such a ship.

It wasn't any of my numerous enemies.

Excitement cursed through me. Maybe there were survivors. "That won't be for long, right Blu?"

I lay in the thicket of bushes and trees, waiting and listening while cloaked of course. Only the usual sounds of another deadly night where you are either hunter or being hunted. Suddenly a chorus of eerie howls rises. It's a pack of Kasparian rock wolves. They're pretty high up on the food chain. They're large, ferocious, calculating, and follow an Alpha who commands them. Their sense of smell and hearing is good but no match for mine. They approach the shore, growling with noses lowered, exposing their extended long sharp canines. Sniffing and watching the large object that bobs in the middle of the large lake on the water's surface. I need to get to the vessel before others on two legs with weapons arrive.

With the exception of me they're the perfect killing machine, but flawed. They can't swim. Their behavior however is different tonight. There's something on the ship they want, and I smell it too. "A human." I then hear the throbbing sound of a single heartbeat. The beasts prowl back and forth snarling and growling with impatience. Their behavior is unusually bizarre. Under the order of their alpha, several take to the water in desperation while the others pace back and forth. I watch as the three that entered the water yelp and drown. What value does this human hold?

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