Part 35: Low down dirty litter of cute kittens

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Jungkook's POV

"Kookie, they're right on the crack of our ass!"

"I know, Tae. Just let them follow us. Remember we have to destroy them all so we're not followed into hyperspace when we make our jump."

"Kookie, something is wrong!"


"There are only four ships. There should be five." I shift my head to the left, stealing a quick glance and the largest ship is not with the group.

"Where the hell is that bastard?!" I snarl, gritting my teeth. I know it's just another one of Lee's sadistic war games. "Keep your eyes open."

"I always keep my eyes open. Why would I close them? That would be very dangerous since I'll be shooting. I'd never -"

"Tae, it's an expression. Just watch!"

"Why didn't you just say watch? My Embarian would be a lot less complicated if you -"

"Tae, please focus and get ready, I'm going to -" A red alert flashes in front of me.

"Kookie, weapons are locked on us! Be a good pilot, now Kookie!" Apparently, this is Tae's way of saying get us out of here. I add more thrust, turn and move towards the four incoming ships.

I can't help but think what the hell is Lee playing at. I quickly drop down and fall behind one of The Core ships just as they fire their tracking laser beam hitting and destroy one of their own ships. It explodes into a ball of fire and we jet right through its debris.

"Yes! Kookie, three to go! I mean four. High five!" Tae holds up his hand.

"Later babe!"

"Kookie! Red alert and weapons locked again!"

I move in and out of their formation confusing The Core pilots and they scramble frantically. It's a personal tactic I use to disorient the pilots. They loose awareness of where they are and nearly collide. Lee knows he sent these pilots into battle unprepared and marked for death pitted against me. This is where I'm most lethal.

"You're up, Tae! let's go!"

"I'm in position, Kookie!"

"Tae, this is going to happen fast. You lock and wait for my signal to fire. Do not hesitate."

"When have I ever hesitated?! Well, there was the time when I first saw you in E1. I wasn't sure if you were a friend and -"

"Babe! Not now! Focus!"

"Sorry Kookie." I sweep upward to get my wing man in position to make the hits.

"I'm locked!" Tae shouts.

"Fire!" The modified weapon shoots and The Core ship fuckin evaporates. It doesn't break apart and there's no smoke or fire with a direct hit. It's just gone, leaving a dusty grey cloud. "Damn!"

"Our weapon works! Go Kookie go!" This is extraordinary and there's more power than I thought.

I shift to the right and drop quickly into position.

"I'm locked!" Tae shouts.

"Fire!" That's two down and still no sight or computer reading on Lee's ship.

The Resilience is not as fast but easily out maneuvers The Core ships due to my piloting skills. The two ships fly together, and I can tell from their sloppy flying they're scared. It's not easy watching your two flight mates evaporate. I play a game of chicken with both ships, moving in close and at the very last moment I move out of the way. Just when they think I'll do the same thing, I don't and move into position.

OmegaBlu: A Taekook Sci-fi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now