Part 32: I love you alien

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Taehyungs POV:

I run at top speed gathering what we need in a blink of Kookie's eye. We're being attacked and E1 is like wounded prey as the predator comes in for the kill. Kookie grabs my hand, and we turn to run and—


We fall to the floor as part of E1's newly repaired ceiling falls on top of us. It was a direct hit, but we are protected by the ship's shields that greatly reduce the impact, but not for long. I quickly rise to my feet and place my hands on my belly, connecting with our child. I place our baby in a sleep state. I turn to my side and Kookie slowly rises to his feet, dazed.

'Shields at 60%, Commander.'

This is not good, we have to get off E1 now! Kookie takes my hand and pulls me forward.


'Shields at 30%, Commander.'

I manage to stay on my feet, but Kookie is down. He lifts his head and is dazed. One of the large control consoles has fallen and he is pinned. I easily lift the panel while he agonizingly pulls out a bloody leg with an exposed bone groaning in pain. I reach for him, and he pushes me away.

"Go, Tae, go! Now!" His jaw is clenched tight as he shakes. I desperately must stop his pain. I will not allow him to suffer.

"Kookie, I won't leave you!" My teeth grit with scalding blood slowly moving through my veins. Why is he being so stubborn?

"Tae, we won't survive another hit! Go!"

"I know!" I pull in a deep breath and the dismantled room glows blue, shielding us.

"Go! You and our child must live." He grunts in pain.

"No, Kookie, I will shield you. Our fates are connected."

He releases a shaky laugh. "Tae you can't shield me and heal me at the same time."

"I will hold you here forever. We're teammates. Right?"

"Tae, I love you. Now go." I narrow a frown at him.


"Tae, if we survive," He grunted barely able to force a smile, "we'll have to talk about who w-wears the pants in this r-relationship."

"We both wear pants, Kookie." He head tilts with curious eyes.

"God, I l-love you alien. "His voice shook hard.

'Commander, you are being summoned.'

We share a questioning glance knowing that, if I'm being summoned, we have time. Tae wastes no time and slides next to me, placing his hands flat on my bloody leg. With keen intention, his eyes stare straight ahead, transitioning into a space unknown to me. His expanding eyes change to a hundred shades of blue. In only a few moments, my pain vanishes. Phenomenal.

If we survive this, we will have a strong conversation about him listening to his mate. In seconds, my pain significantly lessens. "Kookie, we need several minutes before your leg heals."

'Commander, you are being summoned.' The computer repeats. I know if they haven't destroyed E1 yet, they want something. Me alive.

"Computer open communication." I'm grateful our monitors are down, at least they can't see me or Tae. I have to appear strong. I don't care what happens to me. I only need Tae and our baby to survive. I must stall as long as I can to give me and Tae the opportunity to escape.

"Well, hello old friend." Fuck, it's that asshole Lee. "I told you I'd see you again, Jungkook. Is this a good time? I don't want to be rude." That arrogant bastard's a talker and I'll play his game. That's until I can move. Tae could carry me but it's risky. I force out a loud huff of air in response to let him know I'm here and breathe as pain leaves me and my chest finds its natural rhythm. "Last time your new shiny speedy ship was too much for me. Looks like you got time, and your ship isn't very shiny or speedy. I'd say you're fucked." He laughs in a truly diabolical villainous tone.

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