Part 23: The child

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Taehyung's POV

There was something different about Jungkook today, in the pool. Although he knows me, he holds back. He's my friend. I have never had a true friend. Well, mother was the closest thing to a friend. I chuckled at the thought of her. I can't remember the last time I smiled at her memory. The thought of her has always brought deep pain and unbearable suffering, but not today. There's something in Jungkook's gentle touches and heartwarming laughter. Mother was caring and loving and she also had the most delightful laugh. We had such good times together. I sigh and think of her as I prepare our evening meal.

Mother never told me about my powers until I was older. She allowed them to develop as I matured. It was through the natural manner of a child's play that my powers were unveiled. It was quite ingenious of her. It was not the way she learned of her own powers. She was told at an early age that she was special, had powers, and that much was expected of her. It was a heavy weight for a child which brought with it fear, doubt, and confusion. Mother wouldn't allow that for me, her only child. I was never told as a child that I was special and could do things that others couldn't. Mother, I believed, enjoyed our play as much as I did, she never got to be a child. Maybe that's why she was so good at playing. Yes, she was my first friend.

The pain of losing her is still unbearable at times. I don't believe that I can go through that again with Jungkook, for he now owns a place in my heart and so quickly. I haven't shared everything with him and, when he finds out what I've done, he'll leave me and maybe try to kill me. But I could never harm him, and I'd kill anything or anyone that would fight against him. That I can never do because... I love him. I don't want to hurt him more. I will tell him everything tomorrow. Just a little more time with him. Enough time to hold me for a lifetime alone.

That night after dinner, we watched a movie on the halo deck. The images and characters project all around us as if we're in the movie. I have no idea how my ancestor watched these on a screen of some sorts. This movie is one of hundreds of thousands of new data files I downloaded from E1. We've watched a few movies before that were about fighting and some very funny ones to help me with my humor. But tonight, Jungkook chose a different kind of movie. It has lots of fighting in it and a love story. I'm intrigued. I've seen movies with romance together that was always sweet and left me with a craving for my own love. I've also seen sex scenes but this one I felt the characters' love, anger, passion, and sadness. The couple's moans, touches, and kisses are beautiful. I feel an unusual heat when I think of Jungkook touching me, like he does when we play in the pool. I was hoping for that today, but he declined. As the movie ended unexpectedly, tears raced down my face.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" I'm quiet for a moment and clear my throat.

"Yes, but I have a question."

"Yes, go ahead?" He always smiles when I tell him I have a question.

"Why did the man die at the end when he loved the other so much? I think it was unnecessary and it did not make me happy."

"Taehyung, it was because he loved him so much that he died. He sacrificed himself for his husband. It was the only way that his husband could have what he needed, which was freedom and life."

"But they had a joining ceremony to be together forever and now they won't be together. I don't like it Jungkook." He huffed a soft laugh.

"His husband didn't want him to die, of course, but he understood that his sacrifice was a powerful expression of his love. The partner that died trusted that his husband was strong enough to go on living without him. He knew in time he'd be okay." Jungkook is introducing something I've not considered. He's very smart. "Remember how the movie jumped ahead two years at the end and we saw that the surviving husband was doing amazing things for others and spreading happiness? It was a sweet ending and that is love. We put the needs of those we love ahead of our own selfish needs." I sit and slowly rock as a powerful hurt and remorse pushes through me. I burst into tears.

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