Part 4: Introducing Blu

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"No Kookie, I didn't kill anyone, but I would be false if I said it was not in my consideration. I thought it out as you have explained." The heat from his mouth makes my entire body tingle as his laugh vibrates through me and stirs my need for him. I try to ignore it, but I know I can't for long. That's how it is with us. Raw heat.

"So, Blu was introduced to someone intimately." His laugh cuts free and loud and I love it knowing it brings more color to my eyes. Blu is the name I gave my blade when mother found the material and crafted it for me, I was in my seventh year. "Babe, tell me the story of little Tata meeting his mother's weapon and how you found Blu." His mood is playful for which I'm happy. The war has ended, and he is far more relaxed and I'm happy for him, for us. His smile and laughter comes easy. Now we'll soon be together.

When Kookie and I spent many months together after Kookie's ship crash landed on Kasperia, we fell in love. That's the quick version. We spent our nights tangled in each other's arms sharing our lives in stories. This he says is one of his favorite stories and I have shared it several times. It took a long time for me to talk about mother and how I lost her. I think I can never tell that part again. But one day I will share it with our child. I must.

"Okay Kookie I'll tell you the story of little Tata." He sits up ready to listen and circles me in the warmth of his arms, and I lean in to his broad chest.

"Mother was a great fighter and wielded an Omini sword that was made especially for her at the age of five. Mother told me it was larger than her when she received it. She was swift and quick, and I was fascinated. However, I was forbidden from touching it because it was dangerous, and it doesn't know me." His eyes always go big when I tell him how our weapons choose us.

"One morning when I was in my fifth year, I sought it out when mother was in the garden. Kookie it was so beautiful, and her name was carved on it. She would pick it up like it was weightless." Kookie likes this next part and starts to chuckle before I tell it. He teases me and says I was being nosy.

"I checked to see that mother was busy and quietly I moved into her chamber and saw the sword on its perch." I actually whisper telling this part because it adds to the drama. "I stood before it and felt drawn to it. Slowly I reached for it. I only wanted to hold it. It pulled me like a magnet as my fingertips were an inch away. I must touch it if only for a second. As the tip of my finger almost connected, it jumped!" Kookie bursts into laughter at this part of my story. I tell him when I was five it was not funny. " I pressed against the wall; and it lunged at my throat and stopped so close I dared not breathe." I'm very animated as I tell my story and Kookie continues to laugh as his fingers play in my hair and his chest vibrates against me full of chuckles.

"What happened next to little Tata?" He's too cute as he knows the answer. I continue, as my chest rumbles with a repressed laugh.

"Suddenly I heard a very soft wisp of air which was mother calling her Omini Sword to her, and it flew perfectly to her and welded with her hand." I wave my hand over head adding to the dramatics and vibrate through Kookie's laughter.

"Taehyung! What did I tell you! Mother shouted and her eyes were like fire. She was upset because she never called me Taehyung. I fell to my knees and curled into a tight ball. She lifted me and comforted my shaking body. She was also shaking."

This part makes me sad, but Kookie always makes me feel better. He rubs my back and gives me comfort. "Tae, I love that story because you are so adorable, and a normal curious child. Your mother loved her precious Tata so much. Sweetheart, I know you miss your mother, but stories are how we keep the people we love alive in out hearts. I wish I had personal stories about my father, but my mother has told me many. So, tell me what she said to you, my love." He renews me and I tell him more.

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