Part 27: Love and duty

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Caution: This chapter is sexually explicit. If this is offensive in anyway, please don't read it.

Jungkook's POV:

He's simply exquisite. I consider myself quite experienced in sexual intimacy with men. But Tae is different. Not because he's an alien, but because it's his first time ever. My feelings for him run deep and I'm unable to uproot them. I have tried with my full might, and I cannot. I first thought that it was Kasperia or his powers but now I'm convinced that it's my heart.

My hands feel blessed as they move over his tan sun-kissed skin. Every touch and kiss is a delight physically and emotionally. His entire kiss, lips, and tongue is more delicious than anything I've ever tasted. He gives to me without trying.

I moisten his shoulders with delicate kisses and hear him moan with each press of my lips to his skin. My nervous hands with sensitive fingers slowly move down his arms. His skin is tight, soft, and silky. His nipples are pink and hard as tiny pebbles. I test his sensitivity with a quick flick of my tongue tip, and he flinches with a whimper. He's sensitive there and I love it. I reach to the other nipple and pull at it with two fingers and his back arches. I smile smugly and slowly go to work enjoying the feast before me. I look up at him and his eyes are closed as he bites his lip. "Don't hold back baby, breathe." Curling my lip around a nipple, I press the heat and wetness of my mouth to him and suck softly as his groans rise. As I quicken my pace and intensity, his reaction grows. I alternate between each nipple and his body thrashes. Several times he nearly rises to a seated position and gently I guide him back.

I don't want to make him wait. I want our first time to be good for him, so I continue my downward journey of his body. I apply more heat by running my wet tongue from his breastbone to his navel. I lightly blow my breath on his belly, and he groans.

His body reacts to my every movement and touch. I'm excited to see how he'll react to a new sensation. I approach his hard cock that amazingly pulses. I can see his throbbing and desire. How cool is that? He's hairless all over his body except for his head, eyebrows, and long thick ebony lashes. As he lays trembling and quietly moaning, I grasp his cock and his back immediately arches. "Aaahh, stars!" He shouts. A few droplets of his pre-come shows on his sweet cockhead. On close examination it's a very pale shade of blue. Amazing.

"Awesome," I whisper. Now for something new. I run my tongue around his cock's tip, and he cries out loudly, "Kookie, ooh heavenly cosmos!" I stop and wait as he breathes, testing and teasing, which I know is not fair, but I want to know him and his desires.

"Again, please," he pleads, and I waste no time delivering what he wants. He then shocks me. A language pours out of his mouth that is foreign to me but sounds beautifully musical. His expression is shown in his every movement. The way one hand grips to my arm as the other moves over my shoulder sending marvelous tingles right down to my cock as it begs to sink deep into him. I increase my speed, licking and sucking his shaft and he continues his beautiful babble. Every few words are moans and my name. He seems to be enjoying the experience and we're not done yet.

As his breathing increases and voice hitches more, I slow down and move to licking and sucking his balls. His anatomy seems similar to mine but I believe there are differences. He has a cock, two balls, a hole, and another small cavern that is tiny. It's right between his cock and balls and is more like a groove but not deep at all. It's covered with skin and doesn't open into his body. I'm unsure of its purpose. When I explore it gently with my tongue, he moans loudly. It's all a wonderful playground below that I hope to explore many more times. However, my surprises don't end there. A clear gel leaks from his bottom hole where I will love him and explore him with my hard cock very soon. Oh my, it's a physical pre-lube. A lubrication that prepares him for sex, for me. I was planning to lube him with a gel that I brought from E1 that serves many purposes and is safe for sex. No need for that.

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