Part 37: Jealous

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Jungkook's POV

"Tae, since we have some time before we get to Nuturi Moon, we have some things we should talk about."

"What's that, Kookie?"

"Let's first talk about your words." He yanks my hand and races me to the comfortable seating in our living area. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"I'm doing quite well, aren't I, Kookie?" His smile expands with bright eyes that glimmer. His words are going well but there are issues. I must be delicate and not upset him so he listens to me. I love his language and how he pulls words together. Sadly, we'll be separated for a while, and I don't want him to call too much attention to himself. I want him to be safe. No one must know who he is, or, should I say, what he is. Omegablu.

"Yes, Tae, you are doing well and I'm very proud of you, however I think some adjustments are needed." His head tilts and lips part partially.

"Adjust as in fix?" He quirks an eyebrow.

"Yes, fix." I nod to his understanding. So far, a good start.

"But you said I was doing well. Fix means something is broken, damaged, fucked-up. That doesn't correspond with doing well, meaning good, pleasant, and satisfactory. Kookie, you are confusing me." I need him to stay calm and focused.

"No, that's not my intention." I lightly stroke his arm and he relaxes. "Let's go back to adjust, review, and shift. That's more like it." I add a soft smile.

"Okay, Kookie." He smiles and leans back on the comfy couch and turns towards me.

"Language is made up of words."

"Yes, I know this. We get language by putting together words. Kookie, I speak lots of languages." Yes, he does, and I have no idea how he does it. I don't want to be a stickler about his words but his and Sweet Pea's safety are priority.

"Yes, Tae, but once you combine words, they have to make sense. Every language has rules that must be followed, or it's, uhm, clunky."

"What does that word mean -- clunky?"

"It has a few meanings, but, in this conversation regarding your language, it means awkward and heavy, as in too much."

"What do you mean -- too much?" His eyebrows pull together.

"I'll give you an example." Tae smiles and pulls his nose so close to mine that, if I move a fragment, we'll touch. I silently sigh. Yes, he's gorgeous and I could look into his Kaleidoscope of beautiful blues all day, but it will freak others out. I think it's time to revisit our talk on personal space, later.

"Let start with your cuss words and-"

"Fuck, bastard, shit, goddamn, brother fucker, ass-crack -"

I quickly toss up my hand. "Tae you don't need to recite them," I chuckle. "and it's motherfucker."

"No, I'm pretty sure it's what I said." I blow out an exhaustive breath with an added eyeroll and for now let him have his way. We only have a few days, and he has a lot to learn.

"We'll come back to that later. Let's do an easy one, uh, like bastard. It's derogatory and an insult on your parentage." For some reason this topic excites him, and he bounces in his seat. What a delight he is.

"Isn't that the intent? It's a put down of someone you don't like. You know, like Captain Lee. That bunny rabbit bastard brother fucker." He then giggles, and it was at that moment I knew I was in trouble. This may take the entire three-day journey.

"Good example, Tae!" I praise him. "So, let's look at that stream of, uhm, words. I called Lee a rat bastard."

"Yes, you did, and I don't like him and called him a bastard attaching my favorite animals like a duck, bunny, puppies, kittens, and -"

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