Part 13: The screaming starts

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  All the self-blame is gone. Her garden is beautifully weeded, and all her previous blocks removed. I withdraw, breathe, and wait with closed eyes as my true outer self-cloaks back to the Taehyung my human friends know and trust. I have lost time and then I hear a gentle voice lightly tugging at me.

"Friend, friend." My eyelids lift to a vision of Sotina that is at least twenty years younger. She has been transported to a time before the war when she was happy and free. Her eyes are a clear and vibrant mixture of soft and warm greens. Her skin is smooth and wrinkle free with golden wheat spun hair, without strands of grey, lightly falling to her waist. She is breathtakingly beautiful.

Healing always returns humans to their best self physically. Flawless, correcting any previous imperfections. When I healed Kookie, he later said that many of his scars and pains from years of fighting vanished. Mother said that everyone I heal receives a part of me.

"Friend, there's someone knocking. Shall I get it?" She tries to get up, but her legs are too weak from years of bedrest. This part of her body will regenerate a bit slower because her mental psyche was the focus of my power. She has awakened mentally and is in tremendous spirit. No longer is she fragile or sick. She's radiant and I smile softly holding back my tears as I feel a lift in my own heart. Her voice is even different. It's light and floats easily above me like a pleasant scent.

"Sotina, I'll get it." I rise and unlock the door and find the General and Jimin waiting at the entryway with Captain Yoongi standing in the rear.

"I'm sorry but I could wait no longer..." General Xavier rushes in and suddenly halts as if his feet are magnetized to the floor and loudly dispatches a gasp. He's as still as a pillar of salt standing before his wife.

"Good morning, my sweet." Sotina holds out her hands. "My legs are weak for some reason. I'm hungry. Who are these handsome young men, Xavier? Hello." She says to Jimin with a tiny wave. His face is ghost white as General Xavier's mouth appears locked in an open position.

Slowly Jimin's raises a trembling hand covering his mouth. No powers are needed to read his thoughts in this moment.

There are always consequences. This I had shared with Kookie when we talked about the treatment for Sotina. There was no way of removing Sotina's dark memories without removing Jimin because has been the only good over those hard and difficult years. My heart aches for him as he realizes Sotina no longer knows who he is.

Sadly, he was enmeshed deeply with her dark memories. The choice of leaving part of her mind in darkness was never an option. Sotina and Xavier deserve each other totally in life and in love. It's the price for freedom. I know too well as my own beloved mother gave her life for my safety and freedom. There is always a price. I had questioned her choice but now that I have Kookie and carry our Sweet Pea, I understand in a way that I was incapable of before. I hope that someday Jimin can forgive me for my deception, but there was no other way.

"My love." Xavier rushes to her side and places a gentle lingering kiss to her forehead as tears stream down his face. "You're awake my darling." He looks over to me and smiles with trembling lips.

"Sotina, I'm a physician, and I came to check on you." I maintain a pleasant voice and smile. "You have had a fever for a long time, and now you're well. Your legs will get stronger." Jimin stands frozen with the same unchanged look as his eyes fill with tears. I feel his agony and then happiness invades his being. "This is Jimin, and he's, my assistant." She smiles and thanks us. I felt the heavy weight of Jimin's sadness, but a powerful wave of joy has now overtaken him. I had underestimated his human heart.

Sotina turns towards Jimin. "You remind me of our son. He was handsome like you. Our boy gave his life defending freedom like my husband." Her smile is soft as she looks up towards her husband. "Millions of humans and other freedom-loving aliens are free today because of his bravery. We're very proud of him. He lived a purposed life." Her eyes flood with pride, love, and just a tiny bit of sadness. Xavier wipes a tear and nods at me curtly.

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