Part 9: Other options

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I remember to be amiable as I follow Jimin to the table. Fervently I wave my hand, as it's the custom, and show my big smile -- but not too much, I hope. "Hi Captain Yoongi! Are you here too for a nice refreshment beverage? Jibae and I were going back to the ship, and I saw you here being refreshed. My man Kookie, I mean Commander Jeon is helping me understanding the culture and your ways." Jimin giggles under his breath. He's very nice and genuine. I have just met him and immediately trust him. He gives me a caring vibration, kind of like mother, but different. It took time to trust Kookie, but it's different with Jimin. I'm very curious about him being a slave. I will investigate this matter.

Captain Yoongi's face has flattened, and the tenderness I saw there from the street is gone. Maybe he has eaten something that was not agreeable.

Jimin extends his hand towards a chair. "Tae, have a seat and I will bring you a cool beverage." His smile is also big and warm. "Do you like Sansa? It's a fruit." He waits and I nod, looking around. There are many tables draped in bright red cloth with colorful blooms in the center held in small cylindrical holders. Many of the tables are full of others chatting in various languages. I understand them all but decided to turn them off to focus on those I'm with. Delicious smells drift around me that are pleasant and I'm eager to try them.

"I'm familiar with it but I know it to be bitter. I would like a sweet drink, ... please." Kookie says that when requesting something from others it's custom to say please."

"The way I prepare Sansa it not bitter but quite sweet and refreshing, Tae." Jimin's smile comes through his eyes. " Jibae looks over to me and appears more alive.

"Friend, it's awesome! Jimin is the best preparer of food." He laughs and goes silent as Captain Yoongi grunts.

Ahh, I know that word awesome and it means really wonderful. I like Jimin and my new friend, so I agree, lowering my chin adding my agreement. Captain Yoongi cranes his neck in Jibae's direction with raised eyebrows.

Jimin turns to Jibae and smiles softly in a playful manner. They're also friends like me and Jibae. I wonder if Jibae was skillful in helping him acquire an item of importance from the market with his crafty bartering skills. "Jibae, I know what you want." Jimin tells him tenderly touching his shoulder.

Jibae looks over to Captain Yoongi who draws his eyebrows together with pursed lips. I think Captain Yoongi is no longer agreeable as Jibae lowers his eyes. "Uh, no. Our shipment was delivered, and I uh need to sort them out. Jimin it's always a pleasure to see you." He then turns to me but there is a change in him. The fun and excitement that danced in his eyes has vanished. He's awkward and fumbling a bit. "Taehyung I-I will take your fabrics to the ship and place them in y-your quarters."

"Yes, why don't you do that." Captain Yoongi says with a hiss, looking off to the side. Jibae quickly rises and Jimin presses his shoulder downward. Jibae lowers back into his seat.

Jimin stares at Captain Yoongi with a heated glare but is speaking to Jibae. "You will not leave until I get your special package. Now sit." Jibae's eyes widen and Jimin turns and leaves with a cautious glare to Captain Yoongi.

We sit quietly and I assume it's a human custom. I don't like it. I have questions. Captain Yoongi bites his lip as I turn to focus on him, remembering to smile. I drop my smile not wanting to overdo my amenability here.

Before I can speak, Jimin returns. "Here's your package my friend. A good hot meal. I also added a large supply of harvest berry cookies." Jibae stands and Jimin gives him a sweet hug and a smile breaks out on my face. All so naturally. I too want harvest berry cookies. I will request a sample after we talk.

I guess Jibae has work to do to prepare for our departure which will be soon. "Goodbye friend." I say loudly and wave wildly. Captain Yoongi huffs out a breath and looks at me with narrowed eyes as Jibae departs our company.

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