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After playing off why the three had a secret little meeting, they hear Russian talking through Erica's backpack, and immediately stop

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After playing off why the three had a secret little meeting, they hear Russian talking through Erica's backpack, and immediately stop. Erica slinging her backpack around, everyone crouching on the floor, watching her pull out the walkie talkie. Ronnie taking it from Erica, pulling to the antenna and listening to it carefully. 

"A trip to China sounds nice. If you tread lightly." Ronnie repeats in Russian, and smirks. "It's the code." She explains.

"Wherever that broadcast is coming from-" 

"It's close." Robin finishes Dustin's sentence. 

"And if there's one thing we know about that signal..." 

"It can reach the surface." Dustin finishes Ronnie's thoughts, and she smiles at him for being on the same page. 

"Let's go." Ronnie demands, smiling, and stands up, leading her friends down the hallway. 

"Who knew speaking Russian was kind of hot?" Steve asks quietly to Robin, and she chuckles at him.

She thought she shouldn't even feel some type of way towards Steve, but she does. Thinking if she just dated more than 1 guy back in Chicago, she would get over Steve when she would visit Hawkins, and it worked for the 3 years she didn't visit, but right when she moved to Hawkins it all came rushing back. 

"Shit! In here." Steve whisper yells at the group, when they hear someone coming in their direction. They all rush behind some sort of standing air vent, squeezing by each other to keep out of sight, but when Ronnie is the only person visible, and they hear a voice get closer, he makes the move of pulling her in front of him against the vent.

Standing nose to nose, and they just look into each other's eyes, heavily breathing. Steve breaks eye contact to look past the vent, and nods, letting go of her and taking a step to the side. 

"Okay, clear. Come on, let's go." Steve informs them. Ronnie pats down her overalls, cleaning her throat as she awkwardly walks past him, not even going to bring up how close they just were. 

"That was close. Too close." Dustin mentions, following Steve around the corner. 

"Relax. Nobody saw..." Steve starts, slowly stopping in his place, and they all look forward with mouths dropped as they see some sort of middle ground, with a lot of doors, and a second floor. When they see a guard about to look their way, they rush to the side, hiding behind yet another box.

"Jesus!" Steve whisper yells. 

"I saw it. First floor, northwest." Erica brings up.

"Saw what?" Steve questions her. 

"The comms room!" 

"Are you sure?" Dustin comments. 

"Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights." Erica confirms. 

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