t h i r t y - t w o

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When they see Max rushing out of the front door, Steve starts his car as she slips into the back seat next to Ronnie

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When they see Max rushing out of the front door, Steve starts his car as she slips into the back seat next to Ronnie. 

"What'd she say?" Dustin asks, turning to face her. 

"Nothing, just drive." Max answers. 

"Nothing?" Steve repeats. 

"Steve, drive." Ronnie demands sternly. 

"Okay." Steve complies, pushing his foot on the pedal heavily. 

"And where exactly am I going?" Steve fires. 

"School." Max answers lowly. 

"Dustin. It's Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin." They hear statically through the walkie talkie. 

Dustin picks it up immediately, pulling out the antenna. 

"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustin replies.

"Just listen. Are you guys looking for Eddie?" 

"Yeah, we found him, no thanks to you." Dustin remarks. 

"You found him?" Lucas repeats, sounding out of breath. 

"A boathouse on Coal Mill Road." Dustin informs him. 

Lucas goes on about how Eddie killed Chrissy, going back and forth about how he didn't when Max snatches the talkie from Dustin. 

"Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at the school, we'll explain later." Max tells him. 

"I can't. I think some real bad shit's about to go down." 

"What are you talking about? What bad shit?" Ronnie asks, snatching the talkie from Max.

There wasn't an answer, the line just went dead with static, and they all looked at each other. 

Meanwhile, Nancy and Robin were at the library trying to dig up any information they could find from the archives. Robin thought it would be the best chance to find out any information on Steve from Nancy for Ronnie. 

"You do know that Steve and Ronnie are, like, still a thing, right? I mean, it's obvious they still have feelings for each other." Robin brings up, following Nancy down the stairs into the basement. 

"What?" Nancy asks, turning to Robin, pulling out a drawer. 

"I mean, I figured you and Jonathan are still going strong 'cause you guys are going to college together. You're one of those unstoppable power couples, but I... I just I wanted to make sure that you still didn't have feelings for Steve, since you and Ronnie are friends." Robin explains. 

Nancy turns to Robin, furrowing her brows. "Of course Ronnie and I are friends. So, yes, I do know that Steve and Ronnie still like each other and are in some weird limbo." 

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