f o u r t y - s i x

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The four of them rush to the playground, Nancy putting her hand in the sparkly light to alert Erica that they were in position

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The four of them rush to the playground, Nancy putting her hand in the sparkly light to alert Erica that they were in position. After a long 30 seconds, they hear Erica's voice again. 

"Okay, the love birds are in position. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna."

"So far, so smooth." Robin comments, turning around to them.

"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve adds.

The eerie sounds of the bats and thunder scatter around them, Ronnie facing the Creel house with goosebumps appearing on the back of her neck.

"Take the bait, you son of a bitch." Nancy mumbles. 

They stood there and waited for their turn to take action. Hoping Max would come through and be safe. They knew she was risking her life, all of them were. 

"Come on, Max." Ronnie whispered.

She turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking beside her seeing Steve give her a comforting smile. 

"She's gonna be okay." 

"She better be, or I'll kill her myself." Ronnie tries to lighten her mood. 

"Everyone's got everything right?" Nancy asks, breaking their eye contact. 

"Yep. Knife, bullets, gun, lighter-" 

"I'm sorry, did you say gun?" Steve cut Ronnie off.

They all look at Steve for his tone, and Ronnie nods.

"Yes, I brought a gun. I didn't think that would be a problem since Nancy brought shotgun." Ronnie fires.

Steve hesitates, looking at Nancy and Robin for support but they have the same expression as Ronnie. 

"Yeah, no. It's fine, obviously. I, uh, just didn't know you knew how to shoot, that's all." Steve explains, scratching the back of his head. 

"This girl?" Robin scoffs, wrapping her arm around Ronnie's shoulder. "Once, we went to the woods so she could show me her new bow and arrow, and she hit the bulls eye every time. She's surprisingly good at shooting things." 

"Pretty badass, right?" Nancy smirks.

They get their attention turned when Erica's voice startles them.

"Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three." 

"She's in. Move on to phase three." Robin quickly says into the walkie talkie. 

"Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin responds instantly. 

The four of them watch as the bats around the house leave, crawling out of their hiding space, heading towards the front door.

"Let's go get that son of a bitch." Ronnie whispers, walking up the steps in the front yard. 

Steve's the first to walk inside, shining his light on all the vines wrapped around the walls and covering the floors of the house. 

"Oh shit. That's not good." He sighs, slowly creeping in, jumping over vines, Nancy following his steps. 

Robin's hand reaches for Ronnie's in fear. 

"It's okay. You got this." Ronnie reassures her, and Robin takes a deep breath, nodding. 

Robin jumps in after, mimicking Nancy's steps, Ronnie doing the same. Being careful to not step on anything, calm and collected breaths to keep her balance. Hopping up along the stairs, with Steve as their leader, they finally reach right outside the attic door. Steve pulls out Nancy's shotgun for her before grabbing his axe, Robin pulling out the gas filled bottles and Ronnie holding her pistol. 

As soon as they take a step forward, the ground shakes, holding all onto each other until it stops. Robin looks down as she hears something sliver, grabbing onto her leg and dragging her onto the ground before tying her against the wall.

"Steve! Nancy! Ronnie!" Robin screams.

They run towards her, Nancy using the back end of the shotgun to hit the vines, while Ronnie pulls out her knife and Steve hacking away with his axe. Before another swing from Steve, a vine latches onto the axe, pulling him to the opposite wall. He tries to pry it off but just gets pulled up by his neck. His hands trying to loosen the grip on his neck. 

Ronnie and Nancy turn around with fear in their eyes before they get pulled along with Steve and Robin. Nancy being held up almost sideways next to Steve, and Ronnie sprawled out next to Robin. Staring at each other with tight breaths, feeling their chests get tighter as the vines get a better grip around them. Steve's eyes widen as he watches as Ronnie's slowly close from the lack of oxygen in her lungs, wanting to scream but the vine covered his mouth. 

Suddenly, the vines unravel them, dropping them to the ground right in front of each other. The four of them trying to catch their breaths, coughing to open up their lungs again. 

"I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention. But that was a miracle." Robin exhales, getting up from the ground. 

"Then we better not waste it." Ronnie comments, turning around to look at the attic door. 

She picks up her pistol from the ground, but Nancy holds up her shotgun in front of her. 

"If you're a good shot like Robin says, you should take this instead." Nancy offers.

Ronnie looks at Steve and Robin, who nod at her, then she takes the shotgun out of Nancy's hand, trading the pistol. 

"Phase four." Steve speaks up.

"Flambé." Robin adds. 

They walk up the stairs carefully, making their way up, slowly standing along side each other in a straight line as they look up at Vecna connected to the vines, holding his body up in the air. Dropping their backpacks on the ground lightly, Robin grabs the bottles, Ronnie handing her the lighter. 

While Ronnie and Nancy prepare themselves with their weapons, Robin lights the first bottle, Steve taking a deep breath before throwing it at Vecna. A scream comes from Vecna, his body covering in flames, the four of them taking cover as the explosion hits. Watching as Vecna drops to the ground, picking himself up, Robin throws another one, but he barely stumbles back. Nancy and Ronnie march forward, Nancy shooting precisely at Vecna, while Ronnie aims the shotgun at him, releasing a shell, making him stumble back more. Reloading the shotgun again, she releases another shot while he's still struggling to get up, pushing him all the way back on fire through the window. 

They all look at each other, quickly grabbing their backpacks, running down the stairs and out the front door to find no body. Just a spot of burnt grass where Vecna had fallen out the window. 

"Where'd he go?" Robin asked. 

A loud chime echos throughout the house, they turn around running inside to look at the grandfather clock, hearing all four chimes. 

"Four chimes." Nancy whispers. 

"Max." Ronnie chokes. 

Another earthquake shakes them, grabbing on to each other, taking a step back as they hold onto the staircase to steady them. 

 Ronnie quickly goes behind Robin grabbing the walkie talkie. 

"Dustin? Dustin, do you copy? Eddie?" She shouts into the walkie, no response. 

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