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The car was mostly silent on the way to Reefer Rick's

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The car was mostly silent on the way to Reefer Rick's. But it was definitely filled with Ronnie and Steve awkwardly catching each other's eyes. By the time they reached Reefer Rick's it was pitch black. 

"Here." Ronnie says handing Steve a flashlight. 

He furrows his brows, grabbing the flashlight from her and looking at the glove compartment, not even knowing he had some in there. 

"I put those in there. Just in case." Ronnie explains, turning hers on and getting out of the car. 

Dustin takes the lead to the front door, ringing the doorbell once, then after a few seconds of no response he rings it again. Then repeatedly pressing the button over and over again, adding a few loud knocks on the door. 

"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here." Steve comments, holding up his flashlight. 

"Eddie!" Dustin shouts.

"Great." Ronnie jumps in. 

"It's Dustin! We just wanna talk. No cops, I swear. We just wanna help." Dustin adds, aiming his flashlight into the window, trying to spot anything.

"Eddie!" Dustin repeats, banging on the door again. 

"Shh!" Robin whisper yells.

Ronnie, Robin, and Max drift off from the front door. Shining their lights through the windows, trying to see if there any sign of life. The girls roll their eyes at how Dustin continues to ring the door bell along with yelling at the door. 

"Eddie! Rick! Reefer Rick!" Dustin exclaimed. 

"He's not here." Steve tried reasoning. 

"Hey guys!" Max shouted, grabbing their attention to the barn near the back of the house.

"This isn't creepy or anything." Ronnie joked, taking the lead towards the barn. 

Shining their lights through the windows, they couldn't see anything clearly, so Ronnie grabbed the door handle, but a hand appeared on top of hers to stop her. 

"Maybe, I should go in first." Steve insisted.

"Relax, Pretty Boy." Ronnie replied, pulling the door open and peeking in slowly. 

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Ronnie asked out loud, walking further into the barn with the rest of her friends following close behind. 

It felt like a practiced mission as everyone split up in the barn. Taking different directions to cover more ground. 

"What a dump." Steve insults.

He turns off his flashlight, sticking it in his back pocket and grabs the boat oar off of the wall, slowly making his way to the covered boat, then suddenly thrusting it into the tarp. 

"What are you doing?" Dustin exclaims semi quietly, putting his light on Steve and the boat. 

Steve continues to poke at the tarp, "He might be in here." 

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