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"Dustin, can you hear me? Covey?" The walkie goes off in Dustin's backpack with Eddie's voice

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"Dustin, can you hear me? Covey?" The walkie goes off in Dustin's backpack with Eddie's voice. 

Dustin's quick to pull it out, turning around with everyone following behind to listen. 

"Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?" Dustin worries. 

"Nah, man. Pretty... Pretty goddamn far from okay." Eddie hysterically laughs. 

"Where is he?" Ronnie asks Dustin. 

"Where are you?" 

"Skull Rock. Do you know it?" 

"Uh, yeah. That's near Cornwallis and-"

"Garrett, yeah. I know where that is." Steve cuts Dustin off, heading for the car. 

"Hold tight. We're coming." Dustin says into the mic, following behind. 

Nancy parks further away from Reefer Rick's house, hiding off her car, and they all start walking into the woods. They let Steve and Dustin lead, since they both said they knew where Skull Rock was. Dustin holding out his compass and map, while Steve walked beside him. 

"Dude, I'm telling you, you're taking us the wrong way." Steve comments. 

"It's north. I'm positive. I checked the map." Dustin brings up. 

"You do realize Skull Rock, it's a super popular makeup spot?" Steve asks. 

"Here we go." Ronnie whispers to Robin and Nancy. 

"Yeah, so?" Dustin fires back. 

"Yeah, well, it wasn't popular until I made it popular. All right? I practically invented it." Steve adds, slowing down. 

"I'm sure you did, big guy." Robin teases him, patting his back as they all catch up. 

"We're heading in the wrong direction." Steve adds, starting to venture off towards the left. 

"Steve. Where are you going?" 

"Stop whining. Let's go. Trust me." Steve insists, waving his friends, and they groan, walking down a slight hill behind him. 

"Oh my god, they're so adorable. I just wanna squeeze them, you know?" Robin brings up, looking back at Max and Lucas.

"If I'm permitted to see a silver lining in this end-of-the-world doom and gloom, it would be the rekindling of old flames that frankly never should've been snuffed out." Robin adds smiling, and Ronnie turns her head to her. 

"I didn't mean that as a hint or anything." Robin tries to play it off. 

"Right." Nancy laughs. 

"But, if I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible? To wish happiness for my friends?" Robin defends. 

Ronnie stops in her place, making the other girls stop. "I'm happy where I'm at, FYI." 

Her friends raise their brows at her, and Ronnie scoffs.

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