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They watch as Lucas is practically begging Max, but she walks off anyways, leaving Lucas in his place

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They watch as Lucas is practically begging Max, but she walks off anyways, leaving Lucas in his place.

It didn't take long for them to get bored in the car, not to mention get a little stuffy since the car was off, and they all stood outside. Dustin leaning against the passenger side door, Lucas against the car on the driver's side, and Ronnie sitting on the hood of Steve's car. 

Ronnie dangles her legs off on the side of the car, resting most of her weight behind her as she puts her hands back. Steve turns, standing in front of her with his hands on either side of her thighs. He smirks at her, making her shake her head lightly at him. 

"You're cute when you're jealous." Steve teases her. 

Ronnie scoffs, pushing off her hands to lean forward, being inches away from Steve's face. 

"You're playing a very dangerous game, Harrington." Ronnie tells him. 

"Yeah, but it's worth it." Steve replies, turning around to lean the back of his body onto the front of hers, resting his arms on her legs. 

She rolls her eyes, glad he couldn't see her smile, leaning back onto her hands, continuing to keep an eye on Max. After a few minutes, Steve raises his wrist checking the time and lifts himself off of Ronnie. 

"All right, it's been long enough." Steve announces, taking a few steps to Max's direction. 

"Steve, just give her some time." Lucas insists. 

"I have, all right, Sinclair? I'm calling it. If she wants to get a lawyer, she can." Steve argues, continuing to walk to Max, seeing him jog up the stairs. 

Ronnie watches as Steve makes it to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, seeing her completely still, hearing Steve's voice grow louder. 

"Something's wrong." Ronnie whispers, hopping off of the car. 

Suddenly, Steve starts to call her name louder, clapping his hands in front of her and even snapping. 

"Guys!" Steve shouts in their direction. 

They look at each other then run towards Max and Steve. Dropping to their knees, crouching down by her trying to get her attention, trying to get her to snap out of the trance, seeing her eyes completely glossed over. 

"Max, you gotta get outta there!" Dustin begs. 

"Can you hear me?" Ronnie asks, putting her hands against Max's cheeks. 

No expression, no reaction, just white eyes staring back at them. Continuing to yell in her face, doing everything they possibly can to get her back, Ronnie's eyes start to fill with tears. 

Steve notices, turning to Dustin and grabbing him by the front of his hoodie in full panic. 

"Call Nancy and Robin! Go get 'em! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!" Steve demands, pushing Dustin back.

Dustin stumbles as he tries to turn and run at the same time. Running down to the car, fumbling through the car window to grab the walkie. 

"Shit!" Steve whisper yells. 

They didn't know what else to do besides call her name, beg her to come back to them, to wake up if she could hear them. 

"Max! You gotta come back to us!" Ronnie begs, shaking Max's body, with Steve trying to pull her back. 

"Dustin!" Steve shouts towards the car.

They notice Dustin shouting into the walkie talkie while standing on the hood of Steve's car. After a few seconds, Dustin comes sprinting back with all of the music he could hold in his arms along with Max's Walkman, sliding onto the grass, putting all of the equipment on the ground. 

"Guys!" Dustin grabs their attention. 

"What is this?" Lucas asks. 

"What's her favorite song?" Dustin ignores Lucas's question. 

"What? Why?" Ronnie jumps in quickly. 

"Robin said if she listens... It's too much to explain now. What's her favorite song?" Dustin panics. 

Max's eyes start to become red, rolling to the back of her head while the rest of them scatter through the cassettes on the ground. Reading each one and tossing the one they weren't looking for to the side, then Lucas picks up one up quickly. 

"It's right here! Got it!" Lucas announces, picking up the Kate Bush cassette, opening it up, while Dustin opens the Walkman. 

Lucas takes out the cassette, who then passes it to Steve, who passes it to Ronnie as she inserts it into the Walkman, as Dustin places the headphones on Max's ears. 

"Now!" Dustin demands, and Ronnie hits the play button. 


"Max, we're right here!" 

"Come back to us!" 

As they shout, her body slightly moves, shutting them up quickly as Max's body starts to levitate. They all get startled, leaning back as they watch Max float in the air, and Steve pulls Ronnie back towards his lap away from Max. 

"What the hell?" Ronnie whispers, as Steve picks her off the ground. 

"Max!" Dustin and Lucas shout standing up below her. 

Repeating her name, putting their hands in the air, begging her to wake up and to come back down. Jumping up and down with tears running down their faces. 

Suddenly, they saw Max come to a realization, hearing her gasp, then her body drop fast to the ground, all of them falling to the ground as Max shouts in fear, looking around at her surroundings. They gather around her, putting a hand on any part of her to comfort her, and Lucas pulls her to his body, holding her up as she's still in the state of shock. 

"Max. Oh my God." Ronnie lets out. 

"It's okay. It's okay. I thought we lost you." Lucas tells her, hugging her body close to his as Max hyperventilates. 

Steve puts one hand on Ronnie's back while his other rubs Lucas to comfort them both. All of them trying to catch their breaths and take in what just happened. 

"I'm still... I'm still here." Max reassures them. 

They all drop their heads, trying to slow their breathing in relief that Max was still alive and speaking. Ronnie stands, letting out a deep breath as she rubs her forehead. Steve stands, taking a few steps to Ronnie from behind, turning her around and pull her into his arms. 

She doesn't hesitate to hug him back, crying into his chest, as he rubs her back and smoothing down her hair. Ronnie sniffles, taking a step back from him and wiping her eyes. 

"We should go." She insists, and he nods, taking the kids with him to the car, and head to the Wheeler's house. 

"I-I don't want to go home." Max speaks up, breaking the silence. 

Lucas kept Max close to him, scared let her go even for one second, as Steve looked at Max in the rear view mirror, Ronnie turning from the front seat to look at her.

"No, we're gonna go to Nancy's. Together." Ronnie reassures her. 

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