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"Let's go

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"Let's go." Ronnie hears, and she groans, flipping over, wiping the hair out of her face and look up at Dustin hovering over her. 

"Go where?" Ronnie asks, pulling her covers over her head, but Dustin just yanks them off of her anyways, exposing her body to the cold air. 

"Starcourt." Dustin answers, and she aggressively sits up on her bed. 

"Dustin, you know I'm not a morning person." She argues, and he rolls his eyes, leaving her room so she could get ready. 

"Let's get moving sunshine!" He demands.

20 minutes later she comes out into the living room seeing her inpatient cousin tapping his foot on the couch. 

"Finally." He lets out, and she points her finger at him.

"Hey, I got ready as fast as I could, and it's my car and my gas. So shut it." She argues, and he puts his hands up in defense. She condescendingly smiles at him, and walks out to her car, pulling out of the driveway headed towards Starcourt. 

"Why Starcourt?" She asks, as she applies her chapstick in her rear view mirror.

"To see Steve." He answers, and she widens her eyes at him.

"You have a friend named Steve?" Ronnie asks, focusing on putting her lip gloss on through the rear view mirror, while also trying to keep her eyes on the road. 

"Yep, Steve Harrington." Dustin nods, smiling at her, and she tilts her head at him back.

"Since when are you and that asshole friends?" Ronnie argues.

"He's not like that anymore. He's matured, and is actually pretty cool." Dustin defends, and she rolls her eyes. Gripping the steering wheel as she continues to drive. 

Memories come flooding back to the summers she would come visit Hawkins. Going to the park on her own, and running into Steve and his friends. Teasing her for having braces, and claiming hair was as dark as her soul. Every memory of Steve was him teasing her, and making fun of her, or just straight up ignoring her. Typical boy stuff she figured, and she tried not letting it bother her since she only saw him during some summers. 

When they reach the huge parking lot of Starcourt, she pulls right up to the front for Dustin. 

"Go ahead and go in, I'll find you." Ronnie insists, and Dustin rushes out the car, running towards the door, but suddenly runs back to her passenger window. 

"Scoops Ahoy." Dustin repeats, and she nods, driving into one of the parking lanes to find a spot. 

Right as she steps into the doors of the new mall, she smiles. It felt like the only thing similar to Chicago. A mall, a real mall, and she scans the food court, spotting Scoops Ahoy and heads towards it. Seeing Dustin and a cute, tall figure doing some sort of hand shake, and realizes the tall figure was Steve freaking Harrington. He was so much cuter than she had remembered, and walked into the store further. 

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