the greatest showman au

203 3 8

author says: if u havent seen the greatest showman then skip this

or do what you want idc this is your life you do you queen/king/highness

also yes i did change the st characters names to fit the names of this au and also not have any of the modern nicknames to fit the late 1800's kind of theme ig


"A pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Carlyle," Eddie Barnum shook his hand, smiling gratefully. Micheal Carlyle gave a weary smile in return. "Just Micheal, sir,"

Eddie nodded. "I think this will be my year, Mr.- sorry, Micheal. But my year, I can feel it." he sighed as he and the younger man walked out of the bar, and down the wintry streets.

Giving up all the riches, for a job of peanut shells and stripes?

The only benefit of this was the 10% he'd be getting.

"Yes, I suppose," Micheal agreed feebly.

They turned the street to a worn-out and old building, with posters plastered over it. Pictures of the Bearded Lady, Fat Man, and Irish Giant- so many more.

Micheal took in the smell of it all when he stepped inside. The sight of behind the curtains was weirdly peaceful, as well.

Like some sort of chaotic family.

Eddie noticed Micheal's astonished look. "Impressed, Mr. Riches-and-Wealth? Well, you need to see our theater, of course!"

They followed up the stairs, past the quite wonderful Bearded Lady(who Micheal found out was a nice and humorous woman named Lettie Lutz),to the "premium seating."

It was a deck at the top of the ceiling, more like a balcony, where you could clearly see the acrobats performed and practice graceful moves in front of the applauding crowd.

There seemed to be two, for this matter. From what Micheal could see, they both obtained fluffy brown hair- one of the acrobats had lengthily long hair flowing as she danced in the air- and seemed to be identical. They seemed to be siblings, twins at most.

One of the performing siblings were practicing on the high swings, where his legs were hanging from the bar and flying around gracefully, fearless to Micheal's interest.

He swung backwards, then forwards- only a few feet from where Micheal was standing up on the ledge.

It seemed like time slowed down.

Their eyes were in contact, deep brown with beautiful hazel.

Maybe it was Micheal's imagination, but the brunette smiled at him in that small moment.

A sincere, nervous smile.


When the show finally ended, Micheal made a goal to find the young man with pretty hazel-eyes.

He finally spotted him amongst the group of performers, a thin shawl wrapped around his shoulders and talking to the similar-looking acrobat with a slight smile.

Micheal pushed through the groups of people, muttering sorry's as he got closer and closer within feet to him.

When he did, the younger-looking man tilted his head in confusion. "Hi! Do you, um... are you in need of something?" he asked politely, hazel eyes glittering.

Micheal's mouth went dry, unable to find something to say.


"Oh! Um. I just wanted to say, hello. I'm working with Mr. Barnum sir, and I saw your act, and I, uh... I enjoyed it," Mike stammered, turning red.

He smiled. "Thank you, Mr...?"

"Carlyle. Micheal Carlyle,"

"Carlyle." Will confirmed with yet another smile. "I'm William. William Wheeler," he stuck out his hand, which Micheal shook with sweaty palms. He turned to the woman next to him.

"This is my sister, Jane Wheeler. We are twins, like anyone with functioning eyes can tell."

(also, Will is taking the role of Anne Wheeler. such a fucking coincidence tf)

Jane nodded, smiling and shaking Micheal's hand.

Micheal smiled for an unknown reason. "I think the skills you both have in your act, are... are outstanding!"

William giggled at his flustered state. "And do you have an act, Mr. Carlyle?"

Mike shook his head, a little embarrassed and with some confusion.

"Well, Mr. Carlyle, everyone's gotta have an act," he grinned. William had an indecipherable look in his eyes when they made eye contact again. He nodded at Jane and Micheal, leaving the room with a wink.

Micheal's heart practically exploded with a weird sense of joy.

Maybe there were more benefits then just money.

Maybe love at first sight wasn't such an unbelievable thing after all.


a/n: casual two a.m. activities

lemme know if u guys want a second part to this

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