my older sister

149 3 51

kinda angst????

also, this is kinda an au: takes place in the timeline of season 4, my boy will byers and his family have been visiting hawkins for the summer, and vecna doesn't exist or anything lol

not proofread

also a smut

yo why are you still reading🧐

jk i would never cuz that shit's gross

don't ever expect that kinda stuff with me💀


My older sister could be annoying sometimes.

But then again, aren't they always?

It was supposed to be a normal day of summer. I'm in my room, my dad at work and Mom going out for errands with Holly — because Mom doesn't trust me and Nancy from the events of the last time she'd made us take care of her.

So it was just me and Nancy, in our own rooms. Just like always.

I wasn't doing anything important, other than trying to get my mind off of... other people... until Nancy barged in with an indecipherable look on her face.

"Something's wrong with you." she straightforwardly said with her arms crossed.

I recoiled, my eyebrows knitted and feeling offended. "What?"

Nancy pinched the bridge of her nose. "Aren't you and El supposed to be dating?" she sighed.

My heart dropped, and I didn't know why. I gave a small shrug, sitting on the edge of my bed. "I guess?"

She scoffed. "You guess? Mike, I've seen you and Will hang out together more than you and her! What's going on?"

I felt warm at the mention of Will, and at the pit of my stomach, I knew why.

Suddenly, the lint on my bed sheets looked far more interesting than whatever I was hearing from Nancy's mouth. "Nothing. We're all fine." I muttered.

"Okay. Then talk to her." Nancy said simply.

My head felt like it was starting to spin. "I don't really, uh. I don't want to, no."

She scoffed again, her short and poofy hair rippling as Nancy did. "Oh, so you can make time for your friends but not for El? Mike, you're hurting her!"

I stood up, pacing around a bit. "No, I just..."

"You just what? What makes Will so special that you use all your time on him?"

Anger boiled as it rose up my throat. "What do you mean?" I said defensively. "What's wrong with wanting to hang out with Will?"

"I mean, you spend all your time around him! I love Will, he's great, but he's also all you ever talk about!" Nancy's forehead creased in some kind of annoyance. "Shouldn't you be that way with El, too?"

"I don't know!" My voice got louder this time.

"What's the big deal, why are you making this so hard! How is Will so special to you to the point where you don't even care about your relationship?!"

My body felt tingly, and my mind was spinning even more now. Out of all the words that could've spilled out of my mouth, it just so happened to be the few that I couldn't say the El.

"Because I love him!" I blurted out angrily.

Tears I didn't know were there, left my eyes.

She's going to tell everyone.

Everyone's gonna hate me.

Will would hate me.

An eerie silence rested between us as Nancy stood there, her eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agape.

I turned around, sitting onto my bed and stuffing a pillow against my face as it got damp with my tears.

The mattress I'm seated on shifts from a new weight. A warm hand was hesitantly rubbing my back all of a sudden. I lift my head away from the pillow, finding Nancy sitting next to me, her eyes trained to her lap.

She looks at me, licking her dry lips before saying, "You're all right, Mike,"

I blink a few more times. What?

Why isn't she grossed out?

Nancy swallowed thickly, before pulling me into a tight hug. The scent of fresh flowers and lemons linger in the air.

"I'm sorry," my dry throat croaks into her sweater.

Before I could stop them, more tears spill from my eyes, as my sister hugs me even tighter, which I didn't even think was possible.

"It's okay, Mike. You're okay."

My older sister really could piss me off sometimes.

But then again, I can't live without her.


a/n: angst again?? woah who am i

don't worry you'll get a good one shot soon

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