romantic homicide

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a/n: based on a favorite song of mine, "romantic homicide" idk who it's by i forgot but it's on spotify💞

also thank you guys for 300 reads im sorry i didn't say that earlier but i'm grateful for it💕💕

ily :))

also, some angst(i've never really written it before so sorry if it sucks🤭)

lowercase intended


in the back of my mind...

the feeling, that terrible feeling that will had felt when mike had blurt out those words,

it hurt him — deep inside him where he thought that he couldn't get hurt by mike any more.

"it's not my fault you don't like girls!" he'd said, moments before. died.

will's eyes welled up with tears. not his fault? not his fucking fault?

will shook his head, stepping back in disbelief. "not your fault?" he repeated, his voice shaky from overflowing emotions.

he could read the immediate regret in mike's eyes as he went on. "are you joking? is this some dumb, stupid prank?" will's voice had raised, louder than before.

mike had panic in his expression. "will, shit, i didn't mean to—"

will chewed on his lip, trying not to let the tears spill. "i can't believe that you're supposed to be my fucking best friend." his whisper was raspy, dry even, like he hadn't drank water in days.

he grabbed his bike, hopping onto it and peddling as fast as possible through the pounding rain, tuning out the yells of his name as will rode his bike speedily through the flooded streets of hawkins.


and i didn't even cry...

the tears that fell from his red eyes couldn't be noticeable in weather like this, but that didn't matter.

will stared at the pictures of him and his friends, of the stupid dnd drawings, feeling so dumb about this.

stupid. stupid, you're so stupid, will. of course he'd never like you. you're the freak, zombie boy, weirdo — most of all, stupid boy who's in love with his stupid best friend.

"stupid," will muttered aloud to himself. "stupid, stupid, stupid!" he ripped the papers apart, everything inside of him flaring and his heart sinking to his stomach.

he gripped the bat, tears starting to fill his eyes again., not a single tear.

this was all so useless. these feelings, useless. why can't will be a girl? it wouldn't have caused so much shit if they weren't just two boys who were meant to be best friends.

best friends. that's all you'll ever be.

will struck the wood of castle byers, anger and sadness and all these feelings rushing in him like a waterfall.

and i'm sick of waiting, patiently, for someone...

"fuck!" he yelled out into the thundering night, wrecking the wooden fort as rain drenched his entire body.

he dropped the bat, his knees hitting the ground.

why does it have to be me? i just want to be normal, he thought, his cries loud and painful as his lungs burned for air.

...who won't even arrive.

mike had finally came, minutes or hours later, but the way will knew was from the lanky arms that were wrapped around him as soon as mike had been seated.

mike's head buried into the crook of will's neck, and will could feel mike inhaling sharply and trying to stop his own crying.

"i'm sorry, will," he muttered quietly into his shoulder, as will's arms reciprocated around mike's torso.


a/n: idk if it counts for angst but it's sad so yeah

sorry if it's low key shit but i have school so suck it up🤭

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