mike pls no

252 5 15

a/n: mature language warning?? idk


Will was trying to make brownies.

Keyword, trying.

When he backed up, Will knocked over a plant on the counter somehow, which fell mercilessly and shattered on the non-carpet hard floor(because who would have carpet in a kitchen?)

"Fuck me," Will cursed as he bent down to pick up the pot pieces.

Mike poked his head out of the pantry. "Fuck me, you say?" he repeated with a smirk.

Will stood up quickly, realizing what he'd done. "Mike, no," he stated solemnly.

Mike stepped closer, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No, that wasn't an invitation," Will said, more nervously this time when Mike got in a distance of three feet.

"Mike, I'm serious, I'll break up with you if you even try,"

Mike stopped dead in his tracks. "Seriously?" he said with a voice crack in his voice.

Will shook his head, immediately guilty. "No, I won't," he muttered.

Mike took the chance and caught Will with his arms, locking them around him immediately. "Ha! Manipulation!"

a/n: keep reading if you want some sappy shit

 Will turned around to face the not-much-taller boy, scrunching his nose. "You can't make me feel bad like that!" he complained with a swat on Mike's head.

"What did I do to deserve that?" Mike grinned, his arms loosened to fall around Will's waist.

a/n: kiss kiss kiss kiss

shit wait this is my book i can make them do whatever i want

"Go back to whatever you're doing, I have pot remains to clean up," he said, pointing at the dirt and broken clay pieces on the floor.

"Hm, no," Mike countered, his arms still around Will's waist.

"Why not?"

"Because I've been ignored by my only roommate the entire day," he did a long, exaggerated sigh.

"What? I've been talking to you!" Will protested. Mike shook his head sadly.

"Yeah, yeah, you talked to me, but what else?"

Will put it to thought for about five minutes, his eyes widening when he figured it out. "I'm sorry, but us making out is not a mandatory thing?" Will crossed his arms, smiling at the ridiculousness. 

"Do you want me to let go of you?" Mike said innocently.

Will groaned, looking away. "Yes," he mumbled.

He put a hand on the taller boy's neck, and the other around his waist. 

Will brought his lips to Mike's, and the two found a smooth rhythm to follow as the minutes passed by.

Will finally pulled away, shoving Mike's face away as well. "Okay, that's enough," 

Mike scoffed, turning on his heels and back into his room. "I love you," he muttered with no liking in his voice. "I love you too, idiot," Will called back with a laugh.


a/n: shitty but ohhhh wellllll

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