hand kisses

203 4 11

a/n: giggling kicking my feet craving for someone to romantically love me

lowercase intended!!


"willll," mike stretched out his whiny complaint.

he was flopped on his back, his head dangling at the edge of the bed and causing his vision of mike's boyfriend to be upside-down.

will shifted a little at his desk, still not paying any attention to him. "mikeeee?" he copied, chuckling.

mike gave an exaggerated sigh. "i'm bored. homework is boring," he complained.

will turned to look at him from his seat, quirking an eyebrow. "you haven't even done any, mike," he smiled faintly, eyes going back to the thick papers stapled together.

"so? i'm touch starved, come here," he said, quite lazily.

will slapped his pencil onto the scratched wooden desk, sighing. "if i do for, say, ten minutes, can i go back to my work without you bothering me?"

he heard mike pause, clearly debating.

"okay," he agreed finally, sitting up properly on the bed.

will got up from his seat, going to the bathroom to wash his hands.

once he came back, he kneeled in front of mike, pushing the thick black strands of hair out of his face. "what's up with you?" will smiled, his hands cupping mike's face. "usually i'm the one needing attention."

mike giggled, putting his hands on top of will's. "i don't know. just felt like it," he muttered, shifting his head to kiss will's palm.

will's nose scrunched, grinning. "that feels so weird," he pointed out, watching mike plant kisses on his palms repeatedly.

"what feels weird?" mike asked innocently, taking off will's hands from his cheeks and placing them in front of him.

will was a little confused. "your lips on my palm-"

mike started to smother will's hands with little kisses, cutting his sentence off with a smug face.

will looked away, giggling, his heart melting and feeling flustered.

mike kissed will's knuckles, finally, wrapping his arms around will's neck. "your hands are soft," he smirked, watching will's pink face perfectly content.

will leaned in. "yeah, well, you just made out with my hands, so," he was still kneeling down, wrapping his arms around mike's waist.

"shut up," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss onto will's lips.


a/n: jahdkshsksjsks i'm single and alone + this is inspired by a fanart of them that idk where to find now but yeahhh single activities

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