look at me

169 4 21

a/n: i think this is angst

lowercase intended

lowk inspired by the short film "all too well" idk(sadie my love)

uh also not proof read

mike wouldn't look at will.

why wont mike look at will?

what's so important about el's stupid story about her stupid slip-up in geometry?

why did mike give so much attention to her instead of his own boyfriend?

why did the party basically ignore will the entire time they were hanging out?

ever since will had arrived to the diner, uncomfortable looks and awkward glances had been thrown at him, like they knew something he didn't.

mike didn't try to hold will's hand, or kiss his cheek, or do as much as any physical contact with him.

that all went to el.

will had enough of these fuckers.

"alright." his hands slammed the table, not to loud but loud enough to get the other five high school seniors' attention. "what's wrong with you guys?"

will byers was a very observant person.

dustin rubbed his neck nervously. that was the first mistake.

"what do you mean?" he asked, his voice in a higher octave than usual.

will glanced at lucas, expectingly.

lucas blinked a couple times, a little too quickly. that was the second mistake.

he shifted in his seat a little. "yeah, will, we're totally fine!"

"i think we're just a little tired. exams and all." max said, inhaling deeply. mistake three.

will looked at mike, then to el, who were pink at the cheeks and looking down at their laps.

mistake four.

"mike? el? anything you have to say?" he furrowed his brows, watching the two teens intently.

mike just shrugged, and el chewed on her lip.

will sighed, shakily. "i'm going to the bathroom. i'll be right back." he said dully, getting up from the booth and heading towards that restroom.

after washing his face and convincing himself in the mirror that it's probably just him being paranoid, will made his way out the door, only to hear his name amongst the party's conversation.

he pressed himself up against the wall, listening intently as the party talked in not-so-quiet-whispers.

"you've got to tell him, this isn't gonna work out, mike!" he heard dustin grumble.

"i don't like this at all, this was a shitty thing to do in the first place." max hissed. "cheating on will with el? how could you do that?"

will felt his heart drop to his stomach, heavy like stone. tears welled in his eyes, and his lungs felt like they were shrinking.

mike huffed. "it's not my fault, okay? i'm just wanting to try something a little more different!" he spat.

more things were said, but will didn't think he wanted to hear more.

he stepped backwards a few times, then forward to the party's table, just to make it look like will had come back from the bathroom and wasn't totally about to have a panic attack.

everyone had the fake expressions back on.


will grabbed his stuff, leaving them confused and partially worried as they called for him effortlessly.

as will stepped outside and grabbed his bike, he felt a hand around his wrist.

"hey, hey, will, where are you going?" mike questioned, causing will you turn to him with teary eyes.

"i just don't want to talk to you guys right now."

mike scoffed. "why not? you've been moping this entire time, you basically sabotaged the whole thing!" he accused.

will raises his eyebrows. "are you fucking kidding me? i sabotaged the whole thing?" he repeated. mike shrugged.

"you didn't even look at me, mike! every time i tried to hold your hand, or kiss you, or do anything, you brushed me off and only looked at her!" will spat, his hands gesturing wildly on their own.

mike's nose scrunched. "who's her?"


"what's wrong with looking at her?" he snapped.

"because you cheated on me with my fucking sister!" will exploded, the tears finally spilling out of his eyes.

mike didn't respond, his mouth open and no words sounding out of it.

will hopped onto his bike, his legs burning as he peddled faster and faster.

mike wouldn't look at him.

a/n: oh ig this IS angst

haha anyways

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