haircuts and icecream

148 1 11

lowercase intended + didn't spell check so sorry for errors or whatever lmfao


if there was one thing mike didn't like in this unfair, fucked up world, it was his new haircut.

it was cut short on the sides, and trimmed on the top of his head, which made him feel like one of those stupid justin bieber wannabes you see on instagram.

however, mike still thanked his proud barber and left the salon with a forced grin on his face, not just because of how he looked, but because of what he would think.

because working at the scoops ahoy across starcourt mall, was none other than the ridiculously cute will byers.

sure, he and mike were friends. they had the kind of relationship where it was polite in hallways or awkward places of such, to talking to one another when they have limited options.

yeah, mike wheeler and will byers were basic friends, to mike's dismay.

he wanted to be more, what was the use of pining over him since middle school if they're basic friends?

but that wasn't the topic that was roaming his head right now.

what would will think of his haircut now?

time to find out.

it was weird, really, seeing as 18 year-old mike was only getting ice cream once a week(on wenesday's, 4:30 p.m. to. be specific) for this one boy.

he did it anyway.

so when he approached will byers, who leaned against the counter with bad posture, who wore that stupidly-fucking-cute sailor outfit and a tired fake-grin, mike had wanted to hide away immediately.

too late, however, as will's plastic grin became real.

"mike! hi!" he smiled, fixing his posture immediately. "cookie dough, right?" will reached for his ice cream scoop.

mike nodded, twiddling his thumbs nervously as his face became blush-infused. make a move, idiot.

"so! uh, will!" mike started out shakily, catching will's curious glances as he grabbed an ice-cream cone. "are you busy tonight?"

will gave a toothy grin. "micheal wheeler, are you asking me out?" he scraped out the cookie dough from the cylinder below.

mike chewed on his lip. "maybe?"

will handed the ice cream to him, still smiling. "well, first of all, this one's on me, so put the money away," he stepped back, rubbing his hands back and forth anxiously, because what else do you do with them when you're talking to an attractive boy like micheal wheeler?

mike shook his head, shoving a $20 bill into the tips' jar. will rolled his eyes, saying, "well now i owe you!" with a heavy sigh.

mike pushed his hands into his pockets, grinning slyly. "what was the second thing?" he asked.

will pulled away from the front counter, opening the employees' entry door. "second of all, it's my fifteen minute break, so hurry your ass up," he called as he disappeared into the back rooms of the shop.

mike licked his ice cream giddily, feeling childish again as his fingers felt the napkin around the cone start to get colder by the minute.


a/n: should i write a part two to this or

also the scripts were fake and the people who paid for them got scammed

so will doesnt hate himself and jancy lives on !! (as far as we know)

yeahh okay i need to be up at like 7 a.m. and it's 1:37 a.m. rn so uh bye😻

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