haircuts and ice cream - pt. 2

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a/n: only got one request for this but frankly i dont give a fuck so here ya go

also i meant to just make it one whole part but i was tired so uh

lowercase intended


the two boys sat across each other at the little diner booth, which smelled freshly of alcohol wipes and maple syrup.

they had been seated in the red-and-blue booth, sitting across from each other and their legs tangled under the small table between them.

after ordering their food, conversation got harder and harder to make, which ended up making their glances to each other short and awkward.

that is, until will's eyes fixated onto mike's hair. a grin slowly slipped onto his face.

"did you get a haircut?" he said with curiosity, leaning across the table and running a hand into mike's curly black hair gently.

mike tensed up, his eyes following will's hand nervously. "yeah," he whispered with no intention for saying it so quiet.

will pulled his hand away, balancing his chin on the palm of his hand. "i like it."

he noticed mike's hand hovering over where will had felt his hair, his mouth slightly open and his cheeks pink.

"if you're worried about germs, i sanitized my hands?" will tried, making mike laugh a little as he put his hands back onto his own lap.

"no, i just didn't think it was that noticeable," mike smiled, fiddling with his hands as will shook his head.

"it's very noticeable, but not in a bad way," he gave a crooked smile, his palm still balancing the side of his face with his elbow on the table.

(time skip because i just need sleep)

mike walked will to his porch, where it was lit by a flickering yellow lamp in the dark time of night.

will had his hand on the doorknob, but paused as he turned to mike with a shy smile.

"thank you. for this date, i mean. i enjoyed it," he said, rubbing his neck nervously. "we should do it again sometime." blush dusted his cheeks, as he turned the doorknob reluctantly.

before will could step inside, however, mike had the urge to stop him. "wait, will?" his voice was a little shaky, anxious even.

will turned back around to face him. "mike?" he raised his eyebrows expectingly.

mike didn't know what to say. "uh. well, um, do you think- uh," he stammered, his face feeling warm as he twiddled his thumbs.

will walked over to him, putting a hand on the side of mike's face and placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. "it's alright, wheeler. text me later," he grinned cheekily, stepping back and entering his house for real this time.

mike stood there, speechless, his heart pounding and his stomach feeling giddy and fluttery.


a/n: yeah take this as i make a new one-shot with

drum roll please


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