Chapter Two

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A/N: welcome to chapter two! thanks for all of the lovely feedback across the platforms I post on, I appreciate it so much. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter <3 if you do, please let me know! feedback fuels my writing.


January 2020

I'm on the verge of panic when I get back to my apartment. I hadn't expected to see Austin any time soon, let alone work with him. Would I still be here if I had known he was playing Elvis? I honestly don't know. So far, it's been fun being an extra for the movie, and I love my coworkers. Baz is a super nice director and excellent to work with, but knowing I have to see Austin and be up close and personal with him in scenes makes me feel some way. It's been a year, but I don't think I'm ready to have an actual conversation with him. I know acting like I don't know him will be difficult, but I don't want anyone to treat me differently. And pretending I don't know Austin probably seems childish, but I don't want him to acknowledge me anymore. Maybe giving off that I don't care will make him not interact with me.

There's a knock on the front door, and I reluctantly go to answer it. When I swing the door open, it's Tyler, who looks concerned.

"Is everything okay? You left set pretty quickly."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I say, looking down at my feet.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Baz because he's wondering where the girl with the money shot went," Tyler chuckles, a pleased smile on his face.

"Money shot?" I ask, "What do you mean?"

"That look on your face when Austin grabbed your jaw was priceless," Tyler says, "Baz wants you to do that exact face in every shot of the scene."

I raise my eyebrows in shock, "Really?"

Tyler nods, "Yes. What made you leave the set like that anyway? You are okay, right?"

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone," I bite my lip nervously.

"My lips are sealed," Tyler says, moving his hand across his mouth as if he was zipping his lips shut.

"Austin and I dated a few years ago. I had no idea he was playing Elvis, and I wasn't ready to see him," I lean against the doorframe and avoid eye contact.

"Oh, damn. Do you think you would've taken your part if you had known Austin would be in the movie?" Tyler asks, not really reacting as crazy as I thought he would.

"I don't know," I say quietly, pursing my lips.

There's a silence before Tyler speaks up, "Well, you might wanna return to set and come up with a good excuse for why you had to leave."

"You're probably right," I sigh, peering up at Tyler as a smile cracks on my face, "Thanks for not being freaked out that Austin and I dated."

"We all have that one relationship, darling. Trust me," Tyler mumbles, guiding me outside of the apartment.

When we arrived back on set, I quickly told everyone that there was an emergency in my apartment that I had to tend to. Thankfully, Baz feels that the shot we got of the Trouble performance was good enough not to have to film it over again. That is a major relief because I don't think I could've dealt with Austin grabbing my face again like that. The next scene we film will be the Louisiana Hayride performance, and I'm one of the screaming girls in the crowd. I'll have a wig that's a different color from my natural hair, which we used in the Trouble performance. That way, I won't be easily recognized between scenes if a viewer just so happens to notice me.

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