Chapter Three

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A/N: chapter three is finally here! thanks for all the support for this series <3 I appreciate it. keep letting me know if you're enjoying it, it helps me with inspiration (:

*Richard plays Vernon, Helen plays Gladys, and Kodi plays Jimmie.


February 2020

Everyone is buzzing about the Lousiana Hayride scene. It was far more intimate than the Trouble scene since significantly fewer extras are crowded together. Instead of hundreds of extras, there's way less for this scene specifically. It's not as overwhelming and loud, much to my relief. The only downside is I have to wear a wig from now on as an extra just so it isn't apparent that I'm the same person in different scenes. I'm sitting in the stylist's chair, waiting for the wig glue to dry. I'm on my phone texting Tyler when a notification pops up. My eyes widen in horror at the old contact name.

Austin <3

I immediately lock my phone and ignore the message. A few moments later, another message appears on the screen. I reluctantly check what they say because the notification will bother me if I don't.

Hey, is this still Roman's number?

If not, I apologize for bothering you.

I sigh, deciding to respond because it'll say I read the messages anyway.

Who is this?

Immediately, I see the typing bubble. I start chewing my lip nervously.

Is this Roman?

As much as I don't want to respond, I do reluctantly. I should really turn read receipts off.

Yes. Again, who is this?

It's Austin. I wanted to make sure I still had your number, just in case.

I scan the room to see if I can spot him anywhere, but no luck. I don't respond to his message and continue scrolling through Instagram. Not long after I begin reading a lengthy caption from someone's spam account, another message pops up.

That's okay, right?

Yes, but I don't recall giving you my number.

Are you still acting like you don't remember me? We literally spent five years together.

"Wig feeling tight yet?" my stylist asks from behind me, and I hurry to put my phone away.

"Yeah, it is," I say, even though I'm not entirely sure if it is. I just didn't want my stylist to possibly see my phone screen.

"You should be all set, then."

I get up from the chair and smooth out my skirt and blouse, looking in the mirror to ensure everything is neat. I look like a different person almost entirely. The wig is a different color from my natural one and is lightly curled. A few ringlets fall along my face and I look like I walked straight out of the 50s.

I leave my phone with my things at the vanity, heading over to the set in the next building where the stage is. On some of the chairs, there are markers where the girls who will be screaming are to sit. One of them is for me about halfway into the crowd, where I have a fantastic view of the stage. I take a seat as other extras begin to pour into the room. The stage is set up, so now all we have to do is wait for Kodi to appear with other extras to begin filming.

Baz comes onto the set and settles into his chair, "Places, everyone!"

All the extras settle into their respective places along with Richard and Helen, who aren't far behind you in the crowd. The set falls silent, awaiting Baz's call.

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