Chapter Five

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A/N: I decided to go ahead and post chapter five since the series is getting a lot of attention this weekend! also, I'm just excited for this part of the series lol. this chapter is a little nsfw, but the next chapter is full-blown smut, so be prepared for that. it's gonna be really filthy hate sex haha. if you aren't comfy with that, feel free to skip that chapter. nothing super major to the plot happens in it.


"No, she's still knocked out. Yes, I've been giving her water when she stirs around. I don't want to take her to the hospital with this virus going around."

I can faintly hear Austin's voice from somewhere. I crack my eyes open, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room I'm in. My head is lightly pounding, and I'm suddenly aware that I'm still in Austin's condo.

"Hey, I'll call you back. I think she's waking up now."

I try sitting up, and Austin hurries over to me and gently coaxes me back down into a lying position, "Don't sit up just yet, Roman. You'll get sick."

"Water?" I ask hoarsely, pressing my hand into my forehead.

Austin scurries off into the kitchen and quickly retrieves a glass of water, along with some Advil. He hands the pills and glass to me, putting his hand under my head to lift it up enough for me to swallow. I all but chug the entire cup of water after downing the pills. I sigh and lay my head back down, not looking at Austin.

"Thanks," I say, readjusting my position in what I'm assuming is the guest bed.

"No problem," Austin says, easing towards the door, "Take it easy, okay? Lay down for a few more minutes, and I'll let you sit up when your headache goes away."

I nod, and he leaves. All I can hear is the sound of a clock ticking. I don't remember much before blacking out. But I do remember what Austin said to me as well as Tom and I's conversation. I think I said something to Austin before I passed out, but I can't recall what it was. I feel embarrassed about what he said and how he said it in front of everyone. I didn't let myself feel it last night, but I feel it now. Tears start welling up in my eyes at the thought of Austin even assuming I'd sleep with his co-stars. Not to mention I've grown somewhat close to them, and now they probably won't want anything to do with me anymore. I wouldn't disrespect Austin or anyone else like that. My headache worsens from crying, and I try to stay silent, so Austin isn't alarmed. Everything hits me at once; I haven't seen my family in a while, I haven't been texting Jess as often, and I feel like a bad friend because of it. I also thought giving Austin another chance was a good idea. I passed out in front of everyone, and two of my co-workers knew about Austin and me. I'm not sure how long it's been that I've been crying, but Austin does eventually come back into the room.

"Has your headache gone away?" he asks, and I hurriedly pull the covers over my face so he can't see that I'm crying.

The last thing I need right now is for him to say something about it.

"Are you okay?" Austin asks softly, sitting on the bed next to me. I feel him tug at the comforter, but I just pull it closer to my face.

I try to avoid sniffling, but my nose is running, and I don't want to get snot on Austin's stuff, so I give in. This makes Austin realize I'm crying and yanks the covers off me. I cover my face, mortified that he's seeing me like this. He's seen me cry before, but that was back when we were together. It was different then, and this is now.

"Roman, don't cry. I'm so sorry," Austin says, grabbing my wrists and trying to pull my hands away from my face, "Look at me."

"No," I whisper, rolling over to face away from him. God, this is embarrassing. I wish I could vanish right now.

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