Chapter Six*

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A/N: ya'll are being truly fed this weekend. I wanted to go ahead and post this chapter since some of you are super excited for it and I'm also excited to post it. please mind the warnings because this is a really filthy chapter. if you aren't comfy with smut, the things mentioned in the warnings, or aren't old enough to read this, that's 100% okay, you can skip this chapter. nothing major to the plot happens in this one anyway. it's almost pwp.

*warnings for this chapter: SMUT (minors do not interact pls, I am begging), language, choking, hate sex/angry sex, oral m receiving, oral f receiving, biting, spitting, hair pulling, overstimulation, marking, fingering, orgasm denial, rejection if you squint.


Austin's voice is deep with want. He looks at me with his eyes still dark before grinding his hips against mine slowly.

"I can tease you all night, Ro. I can make you beg and cry, and it still wouldn't make a difference," Austin whispers, his lips against my ear, "Because I still wouldn't let you cum."

A shiver runs down my spine at his words, and I struggle to look him in the eye again. He's never been this filthy in the five years we dated. Either something in him has changed, or I've really pissed him off. Either way, it's an intensity I've never known, and it excites me. Austin notices my lack of eye contact and grabs me by the jaw to make me look at him.

"Look at me," he growls.

I look straight into his eyes, and he looks straight into mine, "You're gonna be a good girl and do as I say. Maybe behave for once."

I can't help but snort, "I don't behave, especially for you."

His thumb and other fingers push into my cheeks, causing my lips to pucker up. The force of his palm against my jaw was strong, and I couldn't move my face if I tried. Austin shakes my jaw, "Disobey and see what happens to you."

I decide I've done enough to anger him and nod at his threat the best I can with his grip on me. He lets go of my face and sits up, peeling his shirt off before tossing it on the floor. Grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, Austin pulls me up off the bed into a sitting position before removing the shirt from my body. His hands immediately go behind my back to remove my bra in one swift flick of his thumb and index finger. He shoves me back down on the bed, his hands splayed out on my stomach as he pushes them higher until reaching my breasts. Austin wastes no time attaching his mouth to one of my nipples, assaulting it with his teeth as he kneads the other breast simultaneously. I run my fingers through his hair, trying to hold in my moans as he bites and pulls at the bud with his teeth.

"I need to hear you, don't hold back," Austin says, pausing his movements.

I wiggle my hips underneath him again, pushing his head back down against my breasts, "Only if you don't stop."

A wicked smile spreads across Austin's face before he goes to suck and bite the other nipple without skipping a beat. I feel my pussy throbbing as he twists my now sensitive nipples between his fingers, his mouth agape as he watches me writhe under his touch.

"Please," I whimper, grinding myself against him for any kind of friction.

"Please, what?" Austin lets go of me, "What do you want?"

"Touch me," I exhale, running my hands down his chest hungrily, "I want you to touch me, Aus."

"Mmm," he leans down to bite at my stomach now, undoubtedly leaving marks there too, "Really? That's too bad."

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