Chapter Thirteen*

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A/N: ahhhhh it's been like 3 weeks since the last update. I've had most of this chapter written but then I added the last bit this morning because I know I need to update. I've been busy with kinktober and have lowkey neglected this story lol but only two more chapters and then the epilogue left! please let me know if you all enjoy this chapter. I know it's short but a lot is going to happen in the last chapters.

*warnings for this chapter: smut (minors dni please!), choking, unprotected sex, that's it really.


Looking back, there were instances when I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I never thought acting would bring me so much joy. I thought being an extra was good enough for me and that it made me happy. But I have never known happiness like getting to become someone else and portray someone's story, whether they're real or not. Becoming Priscilla Presley has been an honor and a privilege I never thought I'd ever experience. And getting to know Austin on a deeper level because of our roles has changed everything. Simply being in the movie itself has changed everything because now I have a possible career in acting, and I've reconnected with the love of my life. I realized that being an extra has caused issues, but it has also caused opportunities I could've never dreamed of.

Austin and I are closer than ever now that we work and live together more constantly. It can be challenging to do so- and it very much is- but I wouldn't change a thing. Even if we get frustrated with each other or sometimes go home and go straight to bed without a word. However, after filming a particularly vigorous performance or an emotionally charged scene, uneventful nights are made up for. We've almost gotten caught a few times in one of our dressing rooms and even the unassuming janitor's closet, but it was worth it every time. Austin is worth anything and everything to me.

The awkwardness with Luke has subsided, thankfully, and I can now look him in the eye when we speak to each other. We're still the good friends we were before he addressed that he liked me. Dacre and I are still close, and we crack jokes and pull the occasional harmless pranks on our co-stars when possible. Tom and I speak to each other daily at the coffee stand and often complain about how stale the coffee is, but we drink it anyway. Olivia visits the set when she can and gives me pointers on how to position myself in a specific scene. Sometimes she reminds me to relax my shoulders. I've even warmed up to Xavier Samuel, who plays Scotty, one of Elvis' band members from The Blue Moon Boys. He's a chill guy and reminds me to smile every once in a while. At first, I was a little weirded out by that, but now I know that's just how he is. He brings a lively vibe to the set and ensures everyone is in a good mood. If you aren't, Xavier will go out of his way to ensure you are.

I'm so grateful to have met everyone I've worked with, from fellow extras like Tyler all the way to legendary Tom Hanks. All the people in Elvis are talented, and I couldn't have asked for better people to be surrounded by. The scenes I've filmed so far have gone very well, and I managed to remember my lines when I needed to. I'm excited to see how everything turns out when the movie finishes. On another note, Austin has been doing better emotionally. I think he spoke with Baz about how he felt about the method acting, and they resolved it. He no longer comes home with puffy eyes and doesn't ignore me after tough days of filming.

There have been so many times throughout filming where I had realizations. The moment I realized that acting is what I want to do permanently, if possible, was when I was filming the scene where Elvis and Priscilla were in Elvis' bedroom overseas. The way the lines felt so carefree and easy to articulate and how simple it was to be Priscilla made me come to the conclusion. Even though Baz thought our kiss wasn't passionate enough every few takes, every time I kissed Austin, I became more and more relaxed in my role. The final take was flawless, and I was so proud of how it came out.

We're currently filming the last moments of the first Vegas performance and are about to begin another take of the whole sequence. Jerry accidentally misstepped and nearly tripped in the shot, so we had to go again. But if I'm honest, I don't think this scene will need any retakes, not right now, at least. Austin has been putting every bit of energy he has into this performance, and with it being so high-octane, we can only film it a handful of times today. For the second time, Baz calls for action. I watch in awe as Austin sings I Can't Help Falling in Love, thrusting out his arms toward the crowd of extras along to the beat of the orchestra. The amount of love and pride I have for him is untouchable. He has peaked in his life and career, and I couldn't be happier for him. We have so much history, chemistry, and love between us, and I hope that after filming ends, those things don't end either. Austin tells the audience goodbye and is crouched on the floor of the stage, panting and sweating profusely as he drops the curtain. I wait for him to take a few scripted moments before he walks over to me. I feel I'm almost breaking character when complimenting and expressing how amazing he was. Because in real life, the take we just did was phenomenal. I've never seen Austin work so passionately and so hard before. When he grabs my chin and looks me in the eyes lovingly, I realize I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Not because he is incredibly hot while sweaty and high on adrenaline, but because he puts his all into everything he does. Including our relationship, even if it jump started again in a rocky fashion.

At the beginning of filming Elvis, if you had told me I'd be dating my ex again and were going to become a main character instead of an extra, I would've laughed in your face. A good, wholehearted, genuine laugh. I was always an extra, nothing more, nothing less. I would never give Austin another chance. But I've grown so much since then. I no longer naively believe I don't need to advance in my career, and I'm no longer lying about my feelings for Austin, both negative and positive. Not only is Austin at the peak of his life, but I'm at the peak of mine. I hope we can share that glowing high together.

And we do, but the high is off the success of the Vegas scene. We share it in a way that we probably shouldn't while on set, but all caution is thrown to the wind right now as Austin, carefully and as quickly as possible, removes my dress. I silently thank my stylist for being so good at gluing wigs down because this is going to be quick and rough. We're in Austin's dressing room, and I'm shoved onto the vanity in nothing but my underwear. Austin manages to peel off his jumpsuit from the shoulders to the waist, allowing him to spring free. He doesn't give it a second thought before he pulls off my underwear and plunges into me, his fingers pressing into the underside of my thighs for leverage. My arms wrap around Austin's neck, pulling him as close to me as possible. We don't tear our eyes away from each other as he thrusts into me quickly. I have to bite my lip to keep quiet so no one outside the room can hear us.

Austin wraps a hand around my throat, and I grip his wrist, trying not to cum just yet. His hips pound into my thighs, and his hand sneaks between us to circle my clit. My eyes roll into the back of my head at the feeling, the dizzying effect of the choking mixing with it. Austin swivels his hips in a particular direction, causing him to hit deeper inside me. I feel him twitch, and he quickens his pace on my clit. Austin finally cums with a low grunt, and the warmth of him spilling into me sends me into overdrive. I take him for all he has as I come down from my high, his hand releasing my throat.

"That was so good," I breathed out with a laugh, running a hand over my wig to ensure it was still in place.

"You're so good, babe," Austin teases with a smile, and I shake my head as I hop off the vanity.

I retrieve my clothing and put it back on as Austin pulls his jumpsuit back onto his body. There's a knock on the door, and a producer yells to Austin that he's needed back on set. We share a look before giggling at each other.

"I guess that's our cue," Austin says, smoothing out his outfit and ensuring his hairpiece is also in place.

It's days on set like this that I'm going to miss.

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