Chapter Seven

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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed chapter six! here is the anticipated chapter seven. a few things are addressed and a few things... happen. so just be prepared for major plot points in this chapter.


After a few hours of lying in Austin's bed with my mind racing, I decided to get up. I wince at the pain in my abdomen and pelvis and slowly walk out of the room, so I don't wake him. But when I look back to ensure I hadn't disturbed him, I freeze. Austin has his head lifted from the pillow as he watches me. I didn't bother grabbing any of the clothes from the floor because I planned on taking a much-needed shower, so I'm awkwardly standing here naked. His eyes flick across my marked-up body.

"You're beautiful," Austin mumbles.

I don't respond and turn on my heel, walking to the front of the apartment where my stuff is, taking it to the guest bedroom. I grab random articles of clothing and my toiletries before walking to the hall bathroom. I audibly gasped when I shut the door and looked in the mirror. My thighs, stomach, chest, and neck had purpling bruises. As I lay in Austin's bed earlier, I wanted to forget the whole ordeal. I tried to forget how he looked at me, had me begging, and how he touched me. Now I won't be able to forget because there are constant reminders on my skin. It's like Austin did this on purpose; to prove a point. To prove that even if we're broken up, we still can't stop thinking about each other. Whether we dislike one another or not. The fact Austin didn't kiss me the entire time we had sex gets under my skin. He used to kiss me all the time, even in public. He didn't care who saw because he enjoyed doing it so much. With a pitiful sigh, I turn the water on. Why didn't he kiss me? I finally climb into the shower, the water stinging the places Austin's teeth broke the skin. I scrub my skin with soap, hoping to at least get his smell off me. I couldn't get the marks off, but everything else that was a reminder, I could. My body burns.

I think back to last night before I passed out. What did I say to him to make him so upset with me? He refused to tell me what riled him about me. Austin usually says what's on his mind if it bothers him enough. Everyone saw that to be true last night. What could I have said that was so bad that he refused to tell me and absolutely destroyed my body over? As I'm washing my hair, I suddenly remember what I had said before blacking out.

"I'm talking about you really sucking at pretending you don't still love me."

Dread comes over me like a wave. My face burns in shame as I realize not only did I say that to Austin, but everyone possibly heard me say it. No wonder he was so angry and rough with me. But, I think he cares more about my words than who heard them. I slide down the shower wall and curl up into my bruised body. I probably deserved to be denied any sort of pleasure by Austin. I want to deny that I enjoyed it because of how he treated me when he was finished with me, but it was the hottest sex of my life. I feel it's impossible to face him now, especially since I remember what I said to him. But why he acted the way he did and refused to kiss me suddenly makes sense. Austin did possibly still love me. I finally stand up and turn the water off before climbing out of the shower. I gently dry myself off to avoid pressing into the bruises before getting into my own clothes. I stare at myself in the mirror, wiping my nose of residual tears before gathering my belongings and heading back to the guest room. I need to talk to Austin, even if I don't want to. I don't know how to go about it because he's so back and forth between wanting to talk to me and wanting to be snappy. With a sigh, I decide to return to his bedroom and address whatever the hell is going on. I leave the guest room and go down the hall to Austin's bedroom, where the door is still open. He's not in his bed anymore but in the ensuite bathroom. I watch as he runs a comb through his wet hair, a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. Bright red scratch marks cover his back, and I'm glad I'm not the only one with an almost painful reminder.

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