Chapter Ten*

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A/N: super long A/N sorry but pls read!! first off I just wanna say that the fact The Extra has gotten 1k more reads on here since I last updated is literally insane. wtf. thank you all so much. it is also very close to 1k hits on ao3, which I'm super thankful for. I wanna mention that this chapter's smut is relatively tame compared to chapter six, so if you didn't want to read that chapter due to the graphicness of it, then this chapter is safe lol!! I know this chapter is fairly short compared to others, but I think what I wrote will suffice for now. I wanted to get this posted since it's been a few days. I'm still trying to get my creative juices flowing again. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter despite it being a little dry, but we're in between plot points, so nothing eventful is happening for now. also if the flow of this is weird (or if any of it is, really) I apologize, I didn't feel like reading over it sksks I needed to post something asap

*warnings for this chapter: smut (minors dni pls), oral (f receiving), mentions of past pregnancy scare, mentions of m*sturbation/ use of toys, anxiety, a little bit of dirty talk but nothing heinous.


June 2020

To say I'm beginning to go insane is an understatement. I'm growing more and more frustrated by the day, and no matter what I do, nothing seems to help. I've been patient and understanding, but it's been months. You'd think that Austin and I would've had sex again by now. But that isn't the case. I usually don't mind not having sex, but being in constant close proximity is challenging. We only get as far as intense makeout sessions nowadays. Nothing more. I know Austin has a drive because I'll hear him in the shower getting off. I've offered to please him, but he just waves me off when I ask, saying he doesn't need it. I'm beginning to think I've either done something, the false pregnancy scared him, or maybe he's not sexually attracted to me anymore. I guess it's time to put it to the test. I ordered a lingerie set a month ago for my birthday that I didn't get to wear. It's Austin's favorite color, so hopefully, it'll catch his eye, and I can get him to open up.

Austin is in the living room watching TV, taking a break from running lines, or studying Elvis. I'm in our bedroom straightening things up and putting things away. As far as Austin knows, I'm just making the bed and folding laundry. But I've now completed those tasks, and I'm wearing the set underneath a silk robe while lying on the bed. I open the robe up enough to where you can plainly see the lingerie. I decide now is the time to text Austin.

Can you come in here?

After a few moments, I can hear his footsteps approaching the door, and I almost feel nervous about him seeing me like this. It's been a while since I've done anything extravagant for Austin. I hope this isn't a mistake. He opens the door to the bedroom, not paying attention to me at first. A shocked expression comes over him when he looks up and locks eyes with mine. Austin furrows his eyebrows at me, taking cautious steps towards the bed. I stare at him through my eyelashes, running a seductive hand across my body.

"Like what you see?" I ask, breaking the silence.

Austin's breath hitches as he nods slowly. I beckon him to me with my index finger, but he stays put. He seems nervous.

"What's wrong, babe?" I'm a little concerned now.

"Nothing," Austin says as his voice cracks.

I scramble up from my lying position and immediately walk over to him, putting his face in my hands, "No, something is wrong. You can tell me."

Austin keeps his eyes downcast.

"Austin, why won't you make love to me?" I ask sadly, moving my face in a way that forces eye contact.

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