Chapter Fifteen (Final Chapter)

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A/N: it's been a while since I updated, I know!! I was possessed by the writing demon and managed to finish this chapter finally!! this isn't the last update though. there will be an epilogue. hopefully that'll be written soon (: I'm so grateful for everyone who has read The Extra and has stuck around to see it completed. thank you all so much for your support! I hope you enjoy this chapter even though I wrote it in like, an hour.


July 2022

Today is the day Elvis is premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, and I'm terrified to put it in simple terms. Austin and I are currently in the car on the way there, and I'm trying my best not to chip my nail polish on the rings my stylist slipped on my fingers. I keep nervously messing with my jewelry, but I'm keeping my hands out of my hair for the most part. Austin notices my nervousness and gently takes my hand in his. I glance at him, and he's smiling softly at me, eyeing my outfit carefully.

"You look beautiful. I'm so excited for everyone to see how talented and gorgeous you are," Austin says.

You'd think after all these years, I would stop getting butterflies. But they roar in my stomach anyway. I smile back at Austin and focus on the scenery flashing by the backseat window. I would never have thought I'd be here. I'm still convinced I'm dreaming. There's no way I played a significant role in a big movie and am now on my way to a world-renowned film festival. But I am. In a shimmery rose gold gown, my hair delicately braided out of my eyes, and a face of glowing makeup, I have truly arrived. I'm who I'm finally supposed to be.

When the car slows to a stop, the nervousness peaks again, and I try my best not to tremble as I follow Austin out of the vehicle. I plaster a smile upon my face for the cameras and all but death grip Austin's hand as I finally plant both my feet on the ground. Flashes surround the both of us as we walk towards the carpet where the rest of the cast has also just arrived. It's been a little while since Austin and I saw the rest of the cast, as everyone had started new projects. So when Dacre opens his arm to offer me a hug, I accept it with a smile. We both flash grins for the paparazzi. Meanwhile, Austin wanders over to Priscilla, where they have some small talk. I observe as Austin motions toward me. He catches my gaze and beckons me to come to where he stands. I gulp nervously, having never properly met Priscilla Presley. We've had brief conversations over Zoom and the phone, but we've never seen each other face-to-face due to the pandemic. Until now.

"Priscilla, let me formally introduce you to Roman," Austin places his hand on the small of my back, gently pushing me toward the woman with flaming red hair and a brilliant smile.

"Hi," I say meekly, "It's good to finally meet you," I reach out a hand for her to shake, not knowing what to do.

Priscilla takes my hand and wraps it in both of hers, cameras flashing beside us at the gesture.

"I'm delighted to meet you as well. Austin talks about you all the time," she says.

"Oh," I glance at him with a small smile, "All good things, I hope."

"Wonderful things. From what he's told me, I have no doubt that your performance in the movie will be fantastic."

Priscilla is asked for more photos down the carpet, so she lets go of me with a final wave.

"You look starstruck. Never thought I'd see the day that happened," Austin says jokingly into my ear.

I roll my eyes, "Of course I am. She's Priscilla Presley!"

Austin shakes his head at me, laughing softly as he places his hand on my waist. We stood for photos for a while with each other and our costars. All my nerves slowly melt away until it's time for the screening to begin.

Austin and I are next to each other as the film begins. I grasp his hand. This is the first time anyone, including the cast, has seen the movie since editing finished. As the movie continues, I find myself enthralled with Austin's acting. He has truly outdone himself, and I couldn't be more proud. It's odd seeing myself on a big screen as a main character. I struggle to hold back tears when the final scene is on the screen. Baz did a great job pulling at heartstrings throughout the movie, especially at the end. When the film finishes, the theater erupts into applause. And it doesn't stop. Austin stands up along with Baz, and Austin pulls me up with him. Eyes are on us from every direction, and I feel incredibly seen, but in a good way. The applause lasts for over ten minutes. Tears well up in Austin's and my eyes, and a sense of pride swells in our chests. The underdogs in acting have now done something monumental and did a kickass job at it, too.

The after-party is as wild as you'd expect. I was swarmed several times by different people asking me questions, patting me on the back, and gushing about how good my acting was. I took every compliment the best I could, even if I still doubted my new talent at times. But I wasn't expecting what was about to happen at all.

"Roman Todd, right?"

I spin around from my place at the bar, a glass of champagne in my hand, "Yes?"

"I'm Matt Duffer," the man behind me offered a hand for me to shake, "I loved your performance."

"Thank you," I smile, trying to decipher where I recognize him from, "I wasn't expecting the role, but I'm glad to have played it."

"So I've heard," Matt returns my smile, "I'm impressed. It's not often an extra comes up so fast in the business."

"I'm just as shocked as you are," I say, taking a sip of my champagne, wondering where this conversation will go.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do next?"

I ponder for a moment before answering honestly, "I actually haven't."

Matt rubs his chin, "Well, my brother and I are about to start filming our show again. We're looking for a certain personality type for a new character. And you seem to fit that character from what I've gauged so far."

"Really? What show?" I furrow my eyebrows, somewhat surprised that a producer is interested in me.

"Just this little show on Netflix called Stranger Things. Ever heard of it?" Matt says jokingly.

My eyes widen, "Of course I have! You want me to be a character in the show?"

"I'm definitely keeping an eye on you for it. Here's my information," Matt says, fishing a card out of his pocket, "Call me when you want to meet and talk with my brother and me. We definitely would love to get to know you and have you audition for the role."

"Wow, okay. I'll contact you when I can for sure," I grin, trying not to seem giddy.

"Great," Matt returns my grin and bids me farewell, disappearing into the party crowd.

I down the rest of the champagne in one go and scan the room for anyone I recognize. I spot Luke walking up to the bar, and I nearly bolt over to him.

"Guess what," I tap his shoulder, excitement obviously etched on my face.

I shove the card in Luke's face, and his face contorts into a large smile after he quickly scans it.

"That's awesome, Ro! Have you told Austin yet?" Luke asks, his eyes glowing.

"You're the first person I spotted, so you're the first to know," I say.

"Let's go find him. He's gotta know right now!" Luke grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.

We finally see Austin chatting with Baz and approach them.

"Guess what happened!" I gush when Austin turns to me.


"One of the Duffer Brothers approached me, and he thinks I'd be a good fit for a new character on Stranger Things."

Austin's eyes widen with an equally wide smile, and he grabs my face in his hands, "Baby, I'm so proud of you."

"What a wonderful opportunity!" Baz says, "That show is very popular. It could open many doors for you."

"I think you've already helped open doors for me, Baz. Thank you," I say as Austin pulls away from me.

Baz looks at me proudly with a knowing gleam in his eye.

Maybe I'm not just an extra after all.

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