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A/N: sorry the epilogue took so long and I'm sorry it's so short! but I decided to go ahead and wrap up this story after a long 8 months! I can't believe it's been that long lol. but here's the scene everyone has been waiting for (I think) (: <3


June 2022

I'm standing in the mirror, patting the middle section of my dress down flat against my stomach for the umpteenth time. I'm so nervous that I keep checking and double-checking every single inch of myself over and over. I keep telling myself that everything will be fine and everything will go smoothly. I thought auditioning for the role of Maddie Munson was nerve-wracking, but I got the part. So, I can most definitely do this too.

"Ready?" Jess knocks on the door, eyeing me up and down with a giant smile on their face.

"I think so," I say quietly, biting my lip nervously.

"You've got this, Ro. It's okay to be scared, but you've always wanted this," Jess says, motioning for me to come outside into the hall.

"You're right. I can't believe this is finally happening," I say giddily, walking through the doorway and past Jess.

We both head down the stairs, where my mother, other best friends, and grandfather are waiting for me. I resist anxiously playing with my precisely curled hair, folding my hands before me. My mother smiles at me as my friends file out of the small farmhouse and into the courtyard one by one, along with Austin's best friends. My grandfather loops his arm with mine as I adjust the veil upon my head, letting it fall over my face. Here Comes the Bride begins to play as we walk out of the house and into a small walkway full of flower petals. It's a mild summer day, and the flowers in the courtyard are fully bloomed and stunning. I move my eyes from them and to the alter where Austin is standing, where he appears to be holding back tears. He's good at hiding it from everyone except me. I always know. I smile at him, fighting back my own. I clutch my grandfather's arm as we get closer to the altar. I was ready but still terrified.

"Hi," Austin says meekly as I approach him, the largest smile on his face.

"Hi," I say back, grinning as my grandfather lets go of my arm.

I'm so lost in Austin that I almost completely drown out what the pastor is saying. He seems to be the same way, not really paying full attention. It isn't until we're prompted to read our vows that we zone back in. Austin goes first, pulling a piece of paper from the inside of his tux. He grabs my hand, holding it to his chest.

"Ro, when we met, we were young and stubborn. We didn't know what we wanted for certain, but now we do. And I'm glad we get to share that together for the rest of our lives. Being with you over all these years has been the best thing to happen to me. All the roles and fame mean nothing without you because I wouldn't have gotten here without you. I love you so much. It's you. It's always been you. It will always be you. And I can't wait to marry you."

I bite my lip to hold back the tears welling in my eyes and tighten my grip on Austin's hand as I search for the words I've been memorizing for weeks.

"Leaving you was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, but I found my way back to you. I always do, no matter what. We'll always be together no matter how far we may be from each other. You'll always be with me. I've always pictured my life with you, and I've been waiting for this very moment for so long. I'm so glad I'm marrying you. Despite everything we've been through, you're the greatest thing to ever happen to me."

Austin pulls my hand to his lips, gently kissing my knuckles as the pastor resumes his speech. The ring bearer and flower girl come up to us with our rings, scurrying off just as quickly as they came while giggling. We accept them and slowly slide the rings onto each other's fingers. Austin and I repeat the pastor's words, promising to love each other no matter what and symbolizing that promise with these rings.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, you may now kiss the bride!"

Austin lifts the long white veil from my face, pushing it over my head as he leans in, softly pressing his lips to mine. His hands are firmly planted on my waist as I kiss back, pure bliss filling my chest. Everyone claps and cheers, and we eventually pull apart, smiling. Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt. Everything was as it was supposed to be, and I couldn't be happier.

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